
JHC Parent Newsletter 20th October, 2022

Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that all is well.We will be on half-term break as from Friday until College resumes on 31st October, 2022. The break allows students to do something different with a change of pace which willassist with re-energising them for a busy second half-term. However, the Year 12ā€™s willcontinue throughout the break […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 1st December 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that all is well as we find ourselves at the end of an engaging term.It was busy for several reasons such as catching up on lost one-to one teaching and learning time, completion of assessments which included the Progressive tests for the current Years 8, 9, […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 27th August 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you content, blessed and happy. INFORMATION for YEAR 12ā€™s I can report that the Year 12ā€™s are engaged in their WAEC examinations and staff are on hand to support. In addition, The JHC Board has opted to have the Year 12 Graduation ceremony in a […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 21st May 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well.To date I have no additional or ā€˜newā€™ information to share regarding the state of school closures in Delta State apart from that we will maintain the status quo. We will continue to engage our students as per practice on the digital platforms. I am heartened by the feedback […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 08th May 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that you enjoy good health.With the extension of schools not resuming, I am happy to report that teaching & learning continues for all students. It is imperative that students continue to be part of these e-learning engagements as assignments will form part of the final year mark. Equally important […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 29 April 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits.The Federal and State Government have updated the lockdown restrictions over the last 24 hours and as such, I hereby wish to share how this will affect the opening of James Hope College. 1. The resumption of all schools is extended with […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 27 April 2020

Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well.This week some countries will be relaxing restrictions after the lockdown and doing so in a phased manner. With the pandemic we also have an infodemic ā€“ a deluge of information, some factual and some not. This underscores the importance of checking the veracity […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 22 April 2020

Dear Parents and Friends,I hope and trust that you and your families are well and like most of us wanting to be outside for a change of scenery. Hopefully it will not be too long before we can have some sort of normality in getting back to the basic routines of school, work, etc. I have […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 14th April 2020.

Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that this newsletter finds you well. By now, all are aware that the lock down has been extended in Delta State and other states in Nigeria – this is to rein in the spread of the Covid-19 virus. There are notably small increases of infections and deaths in Nigeria but […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 27 March 2020

Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that you are well, and my wish is that you stay healthy. By now all students have returned home safely, and a note of gratitude to all parents for making transport arrangements accordingly. Students have been provided with ample work to occupy themselves, however, should your child tell you otherwise […]

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