Dear Parents and Friends,

I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits.
The Federal and State Government have updated the lockdown restrictions over the last 24 hours and as such, I hereby wish to share how this will affect the opening of James Hope College.

1. The resumption of all schools is extended with a review on 31st of May 2020. As such, JHC will not resume on 3rd of May 2020 but we will inform parents later in next month subject to Federal & State authority regulations.

2. The interstate lockdown will continue for another few weeks with a review in the middle of May 2020 which affects cross state movements.

3. Almost all states are requiring the wearing of face masks in public. In view of this, parents are asked to ensure that their children wear this before the resumption of school but also when traveling to College. Furthermore, ensure that they have at least 2 face masks packed when coming to the College.

4. E-learning will continue with more work set for all Year groups.

No doubt you may be as frustrated as we are to get going but health and safety come first. In view of this, I urge parents to ensure that any child who may suffer from any cold, flu-like symptoms, fever, etc. is to be seen by a medical professional.

This is to protect the rest of the campus population against viruses upon resumption.Toward the end of May, the College will attempt to call all parents to ensure that students are fit, healthy and ready to resume when the time comes.

In conclusion, ā€˜Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being sharedā€™; and, ā€˜A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneselfā€™. Keep safe and stay healthy until we meet again.

Yours truly,
Abraham. P. Swart


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