Founder’s Message

Founder’s Message

Jim Ovia (CFR)


Founder’s Message

I am extremely honored to invite students to enjoy the benefits of an education in such a serene environment as Twin Lakes Estate, Lekki Lagos, Nigeria. I was fortunate enough to attend Pilgrim Baptist Primary School in Agbor, which was located at the former James Hope College site. The education I undertook set the foundation for a belief in life-long learning which has been the keystone to some of my achievements as a businessman, a family-man and now an educationalist. As a former banker, the quote by Benjamin Franklin: ā€œAn investment in knowledge pays the best interest,ā€ always resonates strongly with me. The payback period for a solid education is a whole lifetime. The acquisition and development of a thirst for knowledge is the building block for any successful school. Hence, this is the first aspect of our motto: knowledge. Knowledge is the most definitive route to empowerment. However, merely acquiring knowledge for knowledgeā€™s sake is imbalanced. I believe that the virtues of good character must also be instilled in our children from an early age in order for their impact on society to be a positive and affirmative one. The third aspect of our motto is derived from Roman mythology; the goddess of truth, Veritas. In Plautus and Republican literature, she did not merely represent truth in the sense of honesty, but also in the sense of being firm and capable of withstanding a test or trial. We face many challenges in todayā€™s modern world and it is imperative that our youth are equipped with the knowledge, character and strength of purpose to navigate such trials. I am confident that the future alumni of James Hope College will have the integrity, wisdom and strength to be future leaders in whatever endeavours they pursue. I have many happy recollections of my days at Pilgrim Baptist Primary School and know that with the world class facilities at James Hope College, supported by top pedigree local and international teaching talent, we are sowing the seed for future generations to have fond memories.
ā€“ Jim Ovia (CFR) ā€“ Founder

Principalā€™s Welcome


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