Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits. āTime fliesā is an idiom and the English translation of āTempus fugit,’ coined by Virgil in the first century BC. He wrote ‘fugit inreparabile tempusā, which translates as āit escapes, irretrievable timeā. That wasnāt very snappy, so it has become shortened […]
Category: NewsLetters
Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits as we start the second half of this term. Generally, it is natural to be comfortable with a routine, but when change is required, we look at all the excuses not to disrupt those routines. An American entrepreneur, Jim Rohn, said, āIf […]
Dear Parents and Friends,The half-term break is upon us, and if you are the parents of a student in residence/boarding, then I am sure that you are eager to have your treasures home, to hug them, and to find out how they are doing. This is a gentle reminder that College resumes on Monday, 28 […]
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well and basking in positivity. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year. Today, the newest members of our JHC community, our Year 7ās, had their orientation, and again, we welcome both parents and students to our JHC family. […]
Dear Parents and Friends,I hope this newsletter meets you well. On behalf of the Principal, I am sending this two-pageedition to intimate you with the two (2) exciting news we received a few days ago.2024 British Council Recognition & Outstanding Cambridge Learners AwardsThe British Council has released the list of awardees for the 2024 British […]
23 May 2024
Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that this newsletter finds you well. This edition contains a sizeable amount of information,and you are encouraged to save it for future reference. Firstly, here is a note of appreciation to the parents who joined us for the Parents-Teachersforum (PTF) last Saturday. All contributions were welcomed and noted. Be assured […]
9 May 2024
Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that you are well despite the unseasonal hot weather.The continuous assessment week timetable has been shared with students. It will run from Monday, 13 May, until Friday, 17 May 2024. Please ensure that your child studies and revises at home and that distractions are minimal.A small group of our staff […]
20 March 2024
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. If you are facing challenges or setbacks, we wish youthe strength to overcome them and the wisdom to make the right choices. A worthwhile reminderis that ‘setbacks are only temporary, as long as you don’t give up.’ Continue reading…
8 March 2024
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. As communicated, next week will be the start of term two examinations, from Monday to Friday.Students are encouraged to focus, study hard and rest well. For our day students, parents are toensure that all distractions are minimised at home and study routines imposed. […]
Dear Parents and Friends,I trust that this newsletter finds you well, and if you are enduring a challenging situation, Ihope it will pass quickly. We resumed the second half-term and were delighted to see our students returning – bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Thank you to the parents who made the time to attend the Academic Review […]