
JHC Parents Newsletter 2nd May,2018

Dear Parents and Friends, We are in the last stretch of this academic year and it is and will be ā€˜all hands on deckā€™ to use a nautical term. As such a ā€˜thank youā€™ to the Year 9ā€™s who started a week earlier but also to the staff who supported whilst they prepared and wrote […]


JHC Parents Newsletter 26th March, 2018

Ā  PRINCIPAL’s NEWSLETTER 26th March, 2018   Dear Parents and Friends, This has been a productive term with a variety of activities in both academic and non-academic. I extend gratitude to our parents who supported us, the staff who laboured intensively and our students who are attempting to do their best. JHC is a small […]


JHC Parents Newsletter, 13th March 2018

Ā PRINCIPALā€™s NEWSLETTER 13th March 2018   Dear Parents and Friends, Greetings from a cool and beautiful Agbor. Our students have just completed their examinations and will be sharing progress reports when we break for the Easter holidays. Education Outside the Classroom (EOtC) which include field-trips is an important part of learning. It has a host […]


JHC Parents Newsletter, 28th February 2018

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  PRINCIPALā€™s NEWSLETTER 28th February 2018 Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that all is well. Firstly, we are proud to announce the membership of James Hope College to the Microsoft Imagine Academy (MIA) […]


JHC 2016 Cambridge Checkpoint Exam Results

ClickĀ [highlight dark=”no”]JHC Checkpoint Result 2016[/highlight]Ā to view results analysis Dear Parents and Friends, Staff and students started the last half-term of this academic year in earnest as our Year 9 students engaged in the BECE examinations and the Year 7 and 8 students with the end of year internal examinations; and all is going very smooth […]

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