Dear Parents and Friends,

With only two more weeks until the close of this academic year, there never seem to be enough time in the day to complete everything. But students and staff alike are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday with family and friends.

CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 9 students who did excellently well in the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations ā€¦ 100% of students achieved grades Good to Excellent which is a JHC first! The top achievers were acknowledged and praised at the assembly this morning. More information to follow.

Moreover, the first ever JHC Career Fair kicked-off in fine form on Saturday, 23rd of June 2018. I wish to thank all staff for their tireless efforts in making this event a success but more so the students and parents who attended. For more info on the Career Fair, see the article on the JHC website Homepage.

Furthermore, attached please find a copy of the JHC Academic Calendar for 2018/2019 – this was shared earlier this year. The reason I am sharing this again is for parents to arrange their affairs
accordingly as not to make plans during school time (teaching and learning time) which can impact negatively on their childā€™s progress. I want to commend the 99 % of our parents who do comply. To be noted, some reasons for approved absences are medical reasons and important family matters.

However, please donā€™t expect us to rubber-stamp arrangements which are made without seeking the Collegeā€™s input first, after all, we are in a partnership to ensure that the best is done for your child and unilateral decisions do not bode well. JHC is not like any other school as we teach a dual curriculum which means every day is critical to ensure completion of the teaching and learning programmes. Your cooperation is expected and valued.

I look forward to your attendance of the annual JHC Prizegiving on Saturday, 14 th of July 2018 .

In conclusion, ā€˜There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it . ā€™, and,ā€˜I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value ā€™.

Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart



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