14th June,2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
EXAMINATIONS or EXAMS…a word that fills most students with dread but soon JHC students will be breathing sighs of relief as these will be concluded shortly.
Examinations are important as students can demonstrate what they know and can do. It also enables teachers to be confident in the accuracy of their judgements about each student. Each subject has a specific body of knowledge that students are expected to learn, for example in Physics, students might learn about thermodynamics, while Geography students might learn about tectonic plate movements. Exams enable us to accurately test students’ breadth of understanding of these topics.
Furthermore, exams offer students opportunities to demonstrate inculcated higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis and decision-making thus revealing their real skills, talents and knowledge. In addition, there is evidence that both studying for and sitting exams deepens learning. Studying is like exercising.
When one exercises, the muscles in use grow stronger. Likewise, the process of searching through ones memory and retrieving the relevant information strengthens that memory pathway for future uses. Consequently, examinations also have the power to enhance what students know.
Congratulations to the newly appointed prefects, Naomi Ajudua, Thelma Gbe, Chineben Ogbuigwe, Akajuigo Amucheazi, Iniebi Inaibo, Kelechi Kelechi-Samuel, Franklin Damasus, Oladele Hotonu, Oghenetega Bazunu, Otuobi Nwagwu, Ifechukwude Isichei, Efemena Juweto, Aroesiri Enameguono, Joan Amahia, Motunrayo Asalu and Peace Osamor. Moreover, Aroesiri has been selected as Head boy with Akajuigo as the deputy Head boy and Naomi the Head girl and Thelma, deputy Head girl.
Serving as a prefect is a privilege and an opportunity to be of service to others and to lead by example…we wish them well! A gentle reminder, on the 23rd of June the College will have a Careers Fair, all Year 9, 10 and 11 Parents and students will be expected to attend and we will start promptly at 10.10 am
In conclusion, ‘Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other’, and, ‘To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity’.
Yours faithfully,
Abraham P. Swart