The maiden edition of the JHC Career Fair kicked-off in fine form on Saturday, 23 June 2018. We had about 80 students, 60 parents and all JHC members of staff in attendance. James Hope College understands how important making a career choice is for students and parents; hence, we began preparation for the fair in September 2017 and left no stone unturned.

Eleven prestigious organizations were represented and had information booths where students and parents could inquire about study options after JHC. Some of them like 3AG Global Resources Ltd., Rockport & Northern Ireland Boarding Schools, D – GRACE Educational Consult, Ashley & George Education, Bridge House College, Edo University Iyamho, Great Future Consultants Ltd., MEL Educational Services, Rhemalisa International Educational Services Ltd., UKEAS Nigeria, Chelis Education CEC and Regent School were happy to answer all inquiries.

The event was a huge success. Parents and students alike added that it was ā€œan informative and enlightening eventā€ and ā€œdefinitely worth the travelā€.

We thank all our members of staff for their tireless efforts in reaching out to esteemed organizations to share study options for the current Year 9, 10 and 11 students and their parents; and working behind the scenes to ensure a smooth progression of the dayā€™s programme.

The Career Fair was worth every effort and we look forward to hosting this fair annually featuring several career talks by professionals from the medical, legal, communication, finance and engineering sector.

Photo excerpts below:

Career Fair 1

An aerial view of attendees of the James Hope College Career Fair 2018 at the Great hall, James Hope College Agbor on Saturday;

Career Fair 3

Students of James Hope College paying rapt attention to one of the consultants during the Career Fair 2018;

Career Fair 4

Parents and Consultants alike share ideas during the Career Fair 2018.


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