Dear Parents and Friends,

I trust that all is well and that you and your families are enjoying good health. As usual, it is a busy term with the 2021/2022 Admission season in full swing with interviews, and document verification. I also want to thank our parents for speaking so positively about JHC as we have had numerous prospective parents mentioning that you are the reason for applying for admission for their child(ren).

In addition, what is happening on campus at the moment, are the preparation and sitting for examinations, as well as ensuring that co-curricular activities are fully utilized and enjoyed. The Years 9 and 12 students will face BECE, Checkpoint, IGCSE, and WAEC examinations
respectively upon resumption ā€“ they should not be taking it easy in the Easter break but need to review and study.

As part of my routine, I regularly pop into classes to observe teaching and learning, this is also a practice by the senior and middle management. I am happy to report that our teachers are engaging the learners, challenging them, and increasingly utilizing technology to get the best out of each student. My informal chats with students also indicate that they are enjoying their lessons but as usual there is always room for improvement.

In conclusion, “The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God’s plan seems like it does not make any sense at all. But never forget that God is always in control and he will never leave us.”

Stay healthy and safe until we meet again.

Yours truly,
Abraham. P. Swart

From the Languages Department @JHC
An Insight of Boarding/Residential living.

Boarding Schools: The Highs and Lows

Home and school are two different divides of life that most people believe should never mix up. However, attending a boarding school ā€“ one such as James Hope College ā€“ is an experience every child should get to enjoy.

Living on the school campus has numerous advantages. Firstly, children develop a sense of independence since they have to rely on themselves for things like taking care of their belongings and completing their tasks on time. Also, they learn crucial life skills which include good interpersonal relationships, time management, and self-discipline ā€“ the very skillset attending a boarding school requires. On the more fun side of things, students get to mingle with other students from backgrounds varying from theirs, which gives them a chance to see the world from a more diverse point of view. Additionally, a boarding school is basically like living with your friends!

Conversely, going to a boarding school has its fair share of less-than-favorable moments. For instance, students do not get to see their parents (and perhaps siblings) as often as they would like, which may sometimes leave them feeling lonely and homesick. Secondly, and most annoyingly, the workload can be absolutely devastating! Much unlike day school, you may have to turn in assignments at odd times like during dinner or after prep ā€“ merely hours after you received them. Likewise, you do not always get what you desire, especially at mealtimes. As earlier stated, being in a boarding school requires discipline, which sometimes means having to put up with what you do not like.

Overall, boarding schools prove to be quite beneficial because they encourage youngsters to acquire the necessary skills needed to lead a successful life. Indeed, there is no denying how rewarding the entire boarding experience is for a child both in academic and behavioural

Adaudo Oganah (Year 10)

Life at JHC

We stroll in straight lines
As the sweltering sun shines
On the roads of James Hope College

We eat seasoned meat
As we discuss in our seats
In the dining hall of James Hope College

We play a myriad of sports
And have performances of all sorts
In the multi-purpose hall of James Hope College

We write and write and write
We burn the candlelight to reach greater heights
In the block of James Hope College

On high cosy beds we lay
On our lonely sick days
In the clinic of James Hope College

We talk and we fight
But we study at night
In the hostel of James Hope College

Round and round we run
Trying to have so much fun
On the fields of James Hope College

We glance at the greenery
As we take in the scenery
Of the environs of James Hope College

Written by Edisana Andikara (Year 10)


JHC ACADEMIC CALENDAR REVISED: A revised academic calendar will be shared shortly to reflect any changes. Please notice that the College will resume on Wednesday, 14th of April 2021 for the start of term three.

Health Reminder

As an enhanced measure to protect all campus dwellers in the Covid-19 pandemic era, the Board has decided that all students will need to have negative COVID-19 tests before the resumption of College with immediate effect, after every term break. This means that when students return for the start of the third term in April 2021, they will need a negative test. We are aware that this will add extra pressure to the finances, but it is necessary, and it will be reviewed regularly.

General Matters

The registration for the external examinations BECE, Check Point, IGCSE and WAEC is happening currently. Please be prepared to pay these invoices which will be set out soon.

Travel Information

Here follows the travel information for the Air Peace bookings (

Departure: 26th March 20212:40 pm5:30 pm
Return: 14th April 202110:10 am7:30 am

As a practice, all tickets should be forwarded to lekkyes, and sunday.oloyede at least two weeks before the departure date. Also, note that the above timings are subject to change by the airline.

Future Events

13th March 2021JHC Supplementary EE 2021/2022ā€¦details to follow soon
26th March 2021End of Term
14th April 2021Start of Term 3

For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at, 0708 396 4440 or


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Fraud Warning Disclaimer

Please be aware that James Hope College is not in affiliation with any organisation in providing entrance examinations, including pre-tests, for admission to the College.

Anyone patronising one is doing so at his or her own risk.

Online Payment

To make payment, fill in theĀ unique JHC ID of the student (of whom payment is to be made on his/her behalf).
