Dear Parents & Friends,

I trust that you are safe & well. Please be informed that James Hope College will resume on Sunday, 17th of January 2021. As usual, the College is prepared and ready to receive students.


  • Students to bring at least 2-4 re-usable cloth face masks and a small bottle of hand sanitiser.
  • Two novels for the DEAR programme.
  • Year 7ā€™s to bring along their gear for the Agricultural classes.
  • Year 12ā€™s, the materials for their Design & Technology project.

We look forward to starting in earnest and making every second count, especially our Year 9 and 12 students who will be writing external examinations in a few monthsā€™ time.

All our best
Abraham P. Swart


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Please be aware that James Hope College is not in affiliation with any organisation in providing entrance examinations, including pre-tests, for admission to the College.

Anyone patronising one is doing so at his or her own risk.

Online Payment

To make payment, fill in theĀ unique JHC ID of the student (of whom payment is to be made on his/her behalf).
