Dear Parents and Friends,
The second half of term one has resumed, and all is well – the focus is on assessments/ examinations with students reports due in a few weeks’ time.
Equally important, the Year 12 students are half-way through their IGCSE examinations and will complete it on the 14th of November. After this, they will squarely focus on the WAEC examinations preparations which is looming large. However, all the Year 12 students have permission to leave College on Friday, 29th of November 2019 , in order to refresh and be re-energised for resumption on Tuesday, 7th of January 2020 . This information was previously communicated to parents and now highlighted in the VP (Academics) notice on the next page.
JHC has reached another milestone in that a campus will be built in Lagos with a commitment to be up and running by September 2020. The signing ceremony was held two weeks ago and widely reported in the media. No doubt, parents will have some questions, however as planning is currently underway more information will be shared when it becomes available.
Also, I have included in this newsletter, the updated and detailed JHC Academic Calendar for 2019/2020 . Please take note of the term dates as well as the assessment/examination dates.
In conclusion, ‘Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.’; and, ‘The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.’
Have a wonderful Wednesday until we meet again.
Yours truly,
Abraham. P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download the Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 30 October 2019[/highlight]
11th October 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that all is well.
A reminder that the JHC Interhouse Athletics Day have been postponed until term 2 , due to the weather and some students recovering from the influenza virus. The new date will be shared soon. However, the Parents Visiting Day will still hold for tomorrow with a 12 noon start until 3:00 p.m .
Furthermore, our Year 12 students started with their IGCSE examinations a few hours ago and the first subject up was Additional Mathematics. We expect them to do well and collectively improve on the results of the previous cohort, a task that is well within their abilities.
At times we use words or phrases without knowing its origin or perhaps we knew it at some time but cannot recall it. For example, what does “a.m.” mean? The term we associate with the morning, a.m. , is an abbreviation the Latin phrase ante merīdiem meaning “before midday.” So, what does “p.m.” mean? The abbreviation, p.m . is post merīdiem , meaning—you guessed it—“after midday.” These two terms help keep ambiguity at bay in the 12-hour time system.
There is a third, lesser-known abbreviation in this system is “m.” , from the Latin merīdiēs, meaning “midday” or noon. However, m. is rarely used and might confuse people should one casually drop it into conversation or insert it into your writing; noon is conventionally expressed as 12 p.m. or 12:00 p.m. and midnight as 12 a.m. or 12:00 a.m. How good it is to refresh our memories!
In conclusion,
‘Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.’; and, ‘Failure is success if we learn from it.’
Have a great Friday and looking forward seeing you tomorrow.
Yours truly,
Abraham. P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download The Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 11 October 2019[/highlight]
4th October 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
All is as well as it can be, and how time is racing ahead as the Year 12’s will be starting their Cambridge IGCSE examinations in a week from now!
We are in the middle of the rainy season, autumn, and about to enter ‘winter’, with the dreaded flu season; as such, some of our students have caught the flu bug which is exacerbated with the change in temperate and wet weather.
The College are taking all the necessary precautions to contain this. In view of the aforesaid, there is a chance that we might have to postpone the Inter-house Athletics day, but the Visiting Day will still hold .
However, we will share an update by Wednesday morning latest. A reminder to parents to ensure that their children have a rain jacket or umbrella as protection against the rain, some students did not bring any to College upon resumption.
Each year the College focus on a theme, and for this academic year it is, ‘Appreciate Diversity’ . “Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.
It is about involvement and empowerment, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized. JHC promote and sustain a sense of belonging, to continue to value and practice respect for the talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of living of its school community members.
” Some of the actions we will do to encourage and appreciate diversity will be to take the time to learn about our students’ background, interests, and learning style; allow time for the students to learn about each other and gain an appreciation for the diversity they bring to the classroom, etc.
In conclusion, ‘Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path’; and, ‘Accept both compliments and criticism, for it takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.’
Have a great weekend until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download The Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 4 October 2019[/highlight]
20th September 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
Greetings and well wishes from Agbor!
I can happily report that students are settling into their routines and have fast shed the mellow holiday attitude. Parents of the Year 7 students will have the opportunity to call them this weekend as this will be the first opportunity to talk and catch-up since they arrived earlier this month.
Congratulations to the Year 7 Scholarship recipients (see page three), we offer you our support and look forward to living up to your potential to make us proud! Similarly, best wishes to the newly appointed student leadership (see page three) – heads, deputy heads and prefects. Never forget that ‘to whom much is given, much is demanded’. We have the confidence that you will exceed in executing your responsibilities.
The BECE results were received and our students performed well, so a heartfelt note of gratitude to the staff and students, and of course, you, the parents. To note, we are expanding the co-curricular programme to include Karate, Judo and Tae-Kwando and specialist coaches will be utilised. Furthermore, expert coaches will train students in Volleyball and Basketball. The students who show a keen interest in the Oriental Martial Arts may progress within the national grading/promotion system. More information will follow regarding the latter.
In addition, we have the JHC Interhouse Athletics & Parents Visiting Day coming up on Saturday, 12th of October 2019 and we look forward to all parents joining us for a fun day.
In conclusion, ‘When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living, and never forget your Creator. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.’
Have a great weekend until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
5th September 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
Veritas! I trust that the holiday break was a refreshing one for our students as we are about to start the new academic year in a few days’ time.
In fact, the new academic year has already started on Sunday, 25th of August 2019 for the Year 12 students who are currently engaged with IGCSE preparations. On Saturday, 7 September 2019, the new Year 7’s will start their educational journey as the newest members of the James Hope College family. To note, the YEAR 7 ORIENTATION programme start at 11.00 am sharp. As per practice any siblings of the new year 7’s who are currently students at JHC may return on Saturday in order to minimise travel. The rest of the student population will return on Sunday, 8th of September 2019.
Furthermore, I would like to introduce the new staff who joined us a few days ago, Mrs. Oluwatoyin Ibrahim (Business Studies), Mr. Kenneth Okure (Sciences), Mr. Medeho Medjigbodo (Mathematics) and Mr. Segun Atilola (ICT & Computing). These professionals with their teaching pedigree will certainly enhance the teaching and learning at JHC, we wish them a long and productive tenure.
Parents are reminded to check their children’s uniform items, that no contraband are amongst the items to be brought to College and that the boys’ haircuts are done in an appropriate manner.
In conclusion, ‘Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honour your Creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.’
Have a great evening until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download the Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 5 September 2019 [/highlight]
6th July 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
As we are running down to the final few days of this academic year which proved to be another year of all round strong performance, I wish to thank our College community (parents, students, staff, our Founders – Mr, and Mrs. Ovia and the JHC Board of Governors) for the support given. But never forgetting our Almighty Creator for blessing us abundantly because without His love none of our achievements would have been possible.
Mrs. Titi Ninalowo (Business Studies) and Mr. Charles Matthews (ICT studies) will be leaving us to pursue other interests. We extend our thanks for the services rendered and we wish them all the best for the future – and yes, they will be missed by both students and staff. We have already appointed their successors who will be joining us in August 2019.
As per usual I have included the Summer Holiday Reading Project for the upcoming vacation. Furthermore, book lists have been included as a guide to what Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 students can read.
Parents are reminded to ensure that the JHC blazer is properly dry-cleaned
alterations to girls’ skirts should only be to the waist and not the length , as for the boys , only the length and waist of the trousers if required.
In conclusion, ‘ A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.’
Here is wishing you a happy holiday break with your children and I look forward seeing you on Thursday, 11 July 2019 at the JHC Annual Prize-Giving which starts at 10.00 am sharp .
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download a Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 6 July 2019[/highlight]
2nd July 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that you are well. After an eventful and very fulfilling few days we are fast heading towards the conclusion of the academic year.
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS to all the Year 12 students who graduated last Saturday…it was a magnificent event attended by our founders, Mr and Mrs. Ovia, Board members and other notable guests. Our graduates were impeccably dressed and looked befitting in their academic gowns for this august ceremony. The awards were abundant and wonderful surprises were in the offing such as, all graduates were offered full scholarships by the Jim Ovia Foundation to study at any Nigerian university. This was greeted with rapturous applause – it will certainly be a day to be remembered for aeons! More news to follow soon…
Secondly, the second JHC Careers Fair was a success with overseas and local university and foundation schools fairly represented. Year 9, 10 and 11 parents and students thoroughly enjoyed the plentiful information on offer as well as insightful interactive discussions with the special guests. Once again, we are grateful to all involved, let’s make next year even better!
A gentle reminder that our Annual Prize-Giving will be held next week Thursday, 11 July 2019 and we will start at 10.00 am sharp.
In conclusion, ‘The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the young people.’
Here is wishing you a happy terrific Tuesday until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download the Full JHC Parents Newsletter 2 July 2019[/highlight]
21st June 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that this letter finds you well.
Firstly, a reminder to all Parents of Years 9, 10 and 11 students to attend the 2nd Annual JHC Careers Fair on Saturday, 22nd of June 2019. The programme will start at 10.30 am sharp, and guest speakers will share insights about certain careers; also, information booths (14 to date) from both national and international Foundation Schools and Universities will be in attendance.
Secondly, the College received the CAIE (Cambridge) Checkpoint results yesterday for the Year 9 students. The results for English, Mathematics and the Sciences were fantastic with Purity Onoyemeakpo scoring three perfect sixes! We congratulate all the students and staff for the excellent set of results. However, this is no time to ‘rest on our oars’ but to labour and toil more, with a single-minded focus in preparation for the next two examinations, IGCSE and WAEC.
Thirdly, Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students have completed the International Progressive Tests (online) in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Sciences. These give an indication of progress to date for each student as per curriculum, provides a predicted IGCSE grade and give both parents and teachers advice and guidance for further improvement. I can state that most are on target with only a handful that need to ‘pull up their socks’ and to do more. However, I am confident that they will do us proud. These reports will be in the Report Envelope when students return home in three weeks’ time.
In conclusion, ‘Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.’.
Here is wishing you a joyful Friday and may your blessings be bountiful.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download The Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 21 June 2019[/highlight]
12th June 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
Greetings from a cool Agbor as we are blessed daily with rain showers which aids with keeping the College’s fields verdant.Upon resumption of this half-term, the College are in full assessment mode – the first week to continue to prepare the Year 9’s for the BECE exams, and the next three weeks the actual examinations for all students. The BECE exams started on Monday and the rest of the College start on Wednesday.
As per practice the Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students will sit the online Progressive tests for English,Mathematics and Science at the end of June.
These are international tests and assists with benchmarking performance, identify gaps in learning as well as strengths, guides teachers to plan lessons to the individual student, etc.
It is part of the College rigour to continually monitor students’ progress, this is done after every assessment by teachers, then the Head of Departments, followed by the Vice-Principal Academics and finally, the Principal. At the end of each term we take stock of where each student should be in relation to his or her abilities.
I can categorically state that each student has bucket loads of ability and deserve to be here. However, a handful are performing below their ability despite encouragement, additional out of class support and soliciting the support of their parents. Continual lack of application and indulging in behaviours that detracts from being serious about their studies will eventually lead to them having to leave JHC. This is not what we prefer but unfortunately it is the reality.
In conclusion, ‘Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.’ Whatever the season or weather, we must learn to embrace and appreciate it, for in everything there is opportunity.
Here is wishing you a happy Wednesday and may you continually have God’s smile of approval.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]Download the Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 12 June 2019[/highlight]
22nd May 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits.
Today marks the final day for the scholastic career of most Year 12 students at James Hope College, and next week all will be done with the WAEC examinations. No doubt it has not always been an easy journey but neither do we expect it to be for this is part of life with its ebbs and flows – the pleasant with the unpleasant, the difficulties with the happinesses, etc. But as the saying goes, ‘all is well that ends well’. Invitations have now been sent out to the Year 12’s and their parents to celebrate their journey whilst at JHC and we look forward to seeing them as young adults in a few weeks’ time.
The etymology of the word decorum traces its origin to the Latin words of ‘decor’, ‘decorum’ and ‘decorus’, these meaning, ‘that which is fit and proper’ as well as, ‘beauty, charm and grace’. In the 1560’s, decorum entered the English language and since then it means, ‘dignified propriety of behaviour, speech, dress, etc.’ At JHC we often use this word as it encapsulates the high expectation we have of all campus dwellers regarding behaviour, speech, appearance and dress. However, over the last few weeks it has been noticed that some of our young men are not accustomed to the removal of their facial hair – after all, it is school policy that students shave any facial hair (moustache, beards, etc.) as it affects decorum. Upon a closer look we have found the reasons why and as such we advise parents of the following:
- Fathers, your boys are growing into young men and you need to teach them how to shave.
- Parents are to ensure that upon resumption, those who have need to shave bring shavers (handheld or electric), shaving cream or lotion, and bump prevention cream.
- To note, hair clippers are not an alternative to shave facial hair unless it is a multifunctional shaver with attachments for this purpose.
Here is wishing you a happy Thursday and looking forward seeing our students return on Sunday, 2nd of June 2019.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
1st May 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that this newsletter finds you in good spirits. It was quite strange to start the term in the middle of the week as we have always been accustomed to a weekend start.
The Year 12’s are in full WAEC examination mode and they are encouraged daily to persevere and to do their best. The last examination will be on Tuesday, 28th May but some will finish early on the 22nd May 2019. Any Year 12 students who have completed all registered examinations can leave once they are done, either the same day or the following morning. Parents are requested to make these arrangements as no Year 12’s will be allowed to stay on longer as they have completed their programme of studies. We look forward meeting up with all Year 12’s at the JHC Year 12 Graduation on 29th of June 2019.
Please note that, all students, Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, will have a half-term break in this term. It is expected that the Year 9’s will write the BECE examinations in mid-June. However, we will confirm if changes are required. As the Year 12’s will all be vacated by the 28th May, we will adjust the Year 11’s timetable to be given extra lessons in the freed-up Year 12 lessons.
At present, I am perusing in detail each student’s report and progress. – my heart beats with joy with the progress of the majority but then I am also concerned with the lack of progress of a handful. I wish to reiterate that the lack of progress is not because of a lack of ability but mostly due to a lack of application and consistency.
At JHC we develop students into scholars and part of that journey is an expectation to be diligent and practice what is learned, and for each one to battle the adversities of passivity, mediocrity and indifference. As per routine, I will be inviting parents of students who are not applying themselves, to meet with me to discuss the way forward.
Here is wishing you a glorious day and I look forward seeing you on Saturday, 11th of May for the Academic Review (Years 7, 8 & 10).
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[/highlight]ight dark=”no”]Download The Full Copy of JHC Parents Newsletter 1 May 2019[/highlight]
3 rd April 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I hope that all is well. As we are now in receipt of the official WAEC EXAMINATION TIMETABLE for the 2019 cycle, and as promised I have attached a JHC WAEC Timetable May-June 2019 for your perusal and to update you on the decision regarding our Year 12 students.
To note, the first examination starts on Wednesday, 17th of April 2019 which is followed by Data Processing on Tuesday, 23rd of April 2019. To avoid the risk of Year 12’s not returning to College in time and missing the examination, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) has decided that ALL Year 12’s will stay on campus and not return home as previously decided.
The decision only affects the Year 12 students and the Year 11 students are expected to vacate on Thursday, 18th April and return with the rest of the school on Wednesday, 24th of April 2019. Here follows the travel information for the Air Peace bookings (
Benin-Abuja-Benin Benin-Lagos-Benin
Departure – Friday, 12th April for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 Departure – Thursday, 18th April for Years 11 11:55 am 12.10 pm
Return: Wednesday, 24th April 2019 10:25 am 10:45 am
As a practice, all tickets should be forwarded to, and at least two weeks before the departure date.
Also note that the above timings are subject to change by the airline.
In conclusion, ‘Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you’.
I wish you a good evening until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
28th March 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that you are healthy, happy and content. In two weeks’ time, this term will be at its end, and after the Easter break, the rush of examination activities will befall us with all intensity. So, I would encourage those students who have the privilege to enjoy a break to make the most of it.
Since beginning times, almost every history and culture has celebrated the beauty of poetry. Epics such as the Iliad and Odyssey, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and Beowulf celebrated man’s struggles, while Shakespearean sonnets captured the exquisiteness of poetry. Edgar Allen Poe credits poetry for being the “rhythmical creation of beauty in words.” Not forgetting our own Wole Soyinka, Ben Okri, Chinua Achebe, Jimi Solanke, Mabel Segun, etc. With such accolades, one cannot ignore the importance and enrichment that poetry brings to any curriculum, in any language.
However, poetry is so much more than meter and rhyme for the versatility of this medium lends itself to any lesson, any grade level, and every student.
As such, we celebrate poetry at James Hope College, and I want to share some poems written by our own budding poets in this newsletter. A generic title, ‘The Last Page’ was given and students had to write about this using their own words. Please enjoy this as we enjoyed it when it was presented at a recent assembly – these creations are insightful, touching and comes from innovative minds and vivid imaginations.
In conclusion, ‘What can a pencil do for all of us? Amazing things. It can write transcendent poetry, uplifting music, or life-changing equations; it can sketch the future, give life to untold beauty, and communicate the full-force of our love and aspirations’.
Here is wishing you a splendid evening.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]JHC Parents Newsletter 28 March 2019[/highlight]
13th March 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I am happy to report that all is well as we are underway with the second half of term two after an unintended extra week of holiday due to unforeseen circumstances.
In view of the aforesaid, it has become necessary to adjust the JHC Academic calendar in order to make up for teaching, learning and examination preparations. I have attached the revised calendar for your perusal to plan accordingly.
In essence,
1. JHC will break for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Friday, 12th April 2019 and resume on Wednesday, 24th April 2019.
2. Years 11 and 12 will continue for another week and will have a short break for Easter from Thursday, 18th April – Wednesday, 24th April 2019 – this is to allow them to spend Easter with their families. However, as the official WAEC timetable has not yet been released, it is possible that the Year 12’s might need to return before the 24th of April if there is a WAEC examination on Tuesday, 23rd or Wednesday, 24th of April. Once we have more details then we will communicate accordingly.
3. The JHC Annual Sports day will be deferred until next academic year.
4. The Year 12 Graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday, 29th June 2019.
5. The current Year 11’s will return to College two weeks (Sunday, 25th August 2019) before the start of the new academic year for final IGCSE examination preparations.
In conclusion, ‘Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honour your Creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth’. Here is wishing you a wonderful day until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL COPY OF JHC Parents Newsletter 13 March 2019 (1)[/highlight]
16th February 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has rescheduled the Presidential and the National Assembly Elections to Saturday, 23rd February 2019 while that of the Governorship, States House of Assembly and Federal Capital Territory Elections will hold on Saturday, 9th March 2019. Therefore, the Board of Governors of James Hope College has granted an extension of the resumption date of all students to Monday,11th March 2019.
We would like to use this medium to inform our parents and friends that the Inter-house Athletic day has also been postponed and a new date will be announced when we have a clearer picture after 11th March 2019.
We are aware that our Year 12 students are preparing for the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) at the moment. Therefore, all teaching staff have been asked to send additional reading materials to them in order to cover for the extended time they will spend at home. We implore parents/guardians to assist in ensuring that these students sit down to complete the tasks set for them by their teachers.
We wish to thank our parents for their understanding at all times and if we have further information or changes to any of the above, it will be shared as soon as possible
Yours truly,
Clement Ikuyinminu
Vice-Principal (Academic Affairs)
For: Principal
13th February 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
The Harmattan season is truly upon us and caused flight cancellations hampering some students from flying home. However, parents made alternative arrangements and I wish to thank them for the rapid response.
It has been a busy half-term with a deserved break for both staff and students. Our external examination group of students, Year 9’s (CIEA Check Point and BECE), Year 11’s (IGCSE) and Year 12’s (WAEC) must use this time to continue to prepare for the impending examinations. Time is arguably our most valuable commodity. Unlike treasured gems or any other prized possessions, time can’t be hoarded, collected, earned, or bought with hard work or money. It slips away whether or not we choose to put meaning into it – as the saying goes, use it or lose it!
CIEA informed us of the dates for the Check Point which affects only the Year 9 students; this will run from Tuesday, 9th of April until Thursday, 11th of April 2019. This means that the Year 9 students will not vacate with the Years 7, 8, 10 and 11’s on Friday, 5th of April for the Easter Break but can only do so after the exams on the 11th of April 2019.
The BECE exams will run from Monday, 10th June until Friday, 14th of June 2019. Equally important, the Year 12’s might be required to stay on campus during the Easter break as WAEC practical components of the examinations might be scheduled then. The official WAEC examination timetable has not yet been released to confirm this but once received, we will communicate accordingly.
I wish to thank the parents for acting on the request to ensure that their drivers place their litter in the bins provided when collecting their children. I can report that each of them complied after doing a personal inspection of the area.
In conclusion, ‘For Man or Woman is so made that when anything fires his or her soul, impossibilities vanish’; and, ‘Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized’. Enjoy the holidays with your treasures until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
5th February 2019
Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits, if not then I would remind you not to forget to SMILE, despite the situation we find ourselves in. Like laughter, smiling is part of the universal language which indicates positivity, acceptance, kindness and happiness; after all, ‘Because of our smiles, life becomes more beautiful’.
This term is already halfway and in a few days our students and staff will break for a respite. The respite or holidays is an opportunity for all students to reflect on the recently concluded assessments and refocus their energies to make the most of the next sessions.
The College cannot stress the importance of parental support in its efforts to mould and shape the students and your children, in becoming well-rounded and knowledgeable future leaders. As such, we need to always be cognisant about what we say and do around our children as anything negative can undermine our collective efforts and make our character-building endeavours nugatory.We have had instances over the last few months where some parents question College policies and processes and encourage their child not to comply with protocol and expectations. If in doubt about certain things, then you are encouraged to contact the College for clarification.
Furthermore, parents are encouraged to read the newsletters fully and regularly as they contain the most up-to-date information about JHC – these are sent out (via email) every two weeks and immediately posted on our website.
Parents are also reminded to update us about addresses and contact details when changes occur. It is not good to lament that you did not get any school communication when you have not updated your email address!
On another note, I believe that we have the most beautiful campus in the world, manicured green spaces and world-class facilities, and maintaining it to this impeccable manner is a priority. However, we have found that during the upliftment and dropping-off of students at the end and start of terms, the drivers, who parents are using (whether in a mini-van, bus or SUV or car) ignore the yellow garbage bins (carefully placed around the campus) and simply dump (litter) their rubbish (food packaging, drink bottles, sweet wrappers, etc.) where they park. This is unacceptable and we ask you for your cooperation in this matter.
In conclusion, ‘For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone’. Here is wishing you a great week until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
21st January 2019
James Hope College is rapidly growing in stature, buoyed by excellent results in external examinations, both local and international. Furthermore, an external quality assurance inspection, the BSO report, verified and confirmed the high quality of teaching and learning as well as the high standard of our facilities.
Now I am proud to announce, as advertised in the national newspapers (copy of the advertisement can be found at, the excellent results our pioneer students achieved in the recently concluded (October/November 2018) Cambridge (CIEA) IGCSE examinations. The students and staff certainly did not rest upon their laurels/oars…CONGRATULATIONS! But also, a note of gratitude to our parents who supported and believed in us…THANK YOU! Once again, we recognise and are grateful for the benevolence of our founders, Mr Jim Ovia and Mrs Kay Ovia!
Further analysis of the results reveals that our students even surpassed the 5 A* – C (including English and Mathematics) subjects benchmark in comparison to UK Schools for 2018 (UK Student Performance Analysis).
James Hope College % 2018 | UK National % 2018 | |
5 Subjects A*-C (including | 96.6% | 66.9% |
English & Maths) | ||
English | 100% | 62% |
Mathematics | 100% | 59.8% |
Further Mathematics | 100% | 95.1% |
Biology | 100% | 90.5% |
Chemistry | 100% | 91.1% |
Physics | 100% | 91.6% |
In conclusion, Malachi 3v10: ‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it’. We are certainly blessed in abundance, accordingly, let us not forget to give praise to our Creator and give what is owing to him.
Good health until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart
4th December 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
With the end of this term upon us and holidays in sight, we need to carve out time in our busy schedules to reflect on important matters. From a JHC perspective it has been an engaging term with several joyous highlights, such as the Academic Review Day, JHC Open Day and Xmas Concert – opportunities to meet parents (and prospective ones), share information regarding your sons and daughters, etc.
However, an important milestone was also reached in mid-November, James Hope College is now an accredited British Overseas School. The UK Government’s Department for Education (DfE) operates an inspection scheme which is designed to measure British Schools Overseas (BSO) against the standards that apply to independent schools in England. This inspection scheme is designed to
inform and reassure parents about the quality of education offered by the school. As a result of this inspection, done by Penta International, the school has demonstrated it meets the Standards for British Schools Overseas. This judgement is endorsed by the British Government, quality assured by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) and is valid for a period of three years.
In summary the report states that, ‘JHC meets all the standards for a British school overseas and has many good and some outstanding features. Academic attainment is high. The behaviour of the students is exemplary. The care and support offered to students, including in boarding is very high quality. The unique curriculum and the breadth of subjects offered are strengths.’ Once received then we will share the full report with all our stakeholders. All of us are ecstatic as the staff, students, the school leadership and Board of Governors have toiled non-stop to ensure that the College attain, maintain and is on the path to exceed world class status.
On behalf of the JHC family, I wish all our parents, friends and their families, ‘happy holidays’ and remember that ‘Holidays – any holiday – are such a great opportunity to focus on bringing the family together’.
Enjoy the time with your sons and daughters until we meet again.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
From the Desk of the Vice-Principal (Academic)
1. Registration for WAEC Examinations has commenced
We have received details of information on the procedure for the e-registration of students for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates, 2019.
The offline registration will close on December 31, 2018 while the online registration takes place from January 2 to January 31, 2019.
The normal entry fee is N13,950.00 per candidate but there are other charges, e.g. photographs etc. All parents of students in Year 12 will be advised by our Accounts Department on the total fee for this registration when fully known. However, I would suggest that a sum of twenty-five
thousand naira (N25,000.00) be set aside for this purpose per candidate.
2. The Need for Extra Study while at Home
The WAEC examinations for school candidates will commence in March 2019 and this means that our Year 12 students have not got the time to do other things while at home. Also, in view of the General Election slated for February 2019, it is very likely that they will not be in school
for extension classes if we are to yield to suggestions from most of our parents. Therefore, we would like to advise affected parents to ensure that their children/wards spend quality time, while at home for the Christmas break, to do a lot of independent studies. We don’t want these
children to be carried away with Christmas lights and candles; rice and chicken; and other celebrations. They will have plenty of time for these in the future.
3. Thank you to our Parents
On behalf of the Principal and members of the Senior Leadership Team of JHC, I would like to thank our parents for the support given to our Year 12 students during their IGCSE examinations that they concluded sometimes in the middle of November. The students were so confident
before and after the examinations. We have no doubt that they will produce excellent results by the time we receive the outcomes of the examinations in January 2019.
For any enquiry on the above information, please call my mobile number which is 07083495906 and you may send an e-mail to and you will get a response.
I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year ahead.
Clement Ikuyinminu
Vice-Principal (Academic Affairs)
We wish to inform you that 2019 Humanitarian Day Celebration will take place on Friday, 18th January. We appeal for your generous donations to enable us reach out to orphans, widows and the needy in Agbor community. Items (old/ new) such as clothes, shoes, bags, books, food etc. will be highly appreciated.
Kindly send your donations through your children as they return from Christmas holidays.
Just a gentle reminder that the parents of Year 7 students were sent an email with attachment regarding the need to bring to College on resumption a Coverall (Overalls), Wellingtons (rubber boots).
An important REMINDER: All SCHOOL BLAZERS are to be DRY-CLEANED ONLY and not washed in a machine as it will damage the fabric and shape. Also, the SCHOOL JUMPER needs to be HAND-WASHED ONLY. We have noticed that some school jumpers are in a sad state due to not following the washing instructions which can be found on a label on the inside. Also, boys’ trousers not to be slim-fitted (taken
in by the leg width) and girl skirts not to be shortened in length.
Parents need to check (physical check and asking) that students don’t bring any earphones, headphones, computer games, USB watches, flash drives and laptops (Year 11’s) with music or movies uploaded (the music and movies must be removed) or any other non-compliant devices to College. Year 12 students don’t need to bring any laptops as the WAEC preparations do not require these.
Here follows the travel information for the Air Peace bookings (
Benin-Abuja-Benin | Benin-Lagos-Benin | |
Departure: Friday, 7th December 2018 | 11.30 am | 11.40 am |
Return: Sunday, 6th January 2019 | 1.55 pm | 11.10 am |
As a practice, all tickets should be forwarded to, and at least two weeks before the departure date. Also note
that the above timings are subject to change by the airline.
Date | Event |
07th December 2018 | End of term and all students and academic staff on holiday |
06th January 2019 | All students return for the start of term 2 |
11th January 2019 | Closing date for Entrance Exam applications |
18th January 2019 | Humanitarian Day |
26th January 2019 | JHC Year 7 Entrance Examinations 2019/20 First Sitting |
9th February 2019 | JHC Year 7 Entrance Examinations 2019/20 Second Sitting |
13th February 2019 | School closes for half-term break |
4th March 2019 | School resumes for second half of term 2 |
For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at 0708 396 4440 or .
Download the 4th Dec. 2018 Parent’s Newsletter here
14th November 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
Over the last few days James Hope College was undergoing a British Overseas School inspection, led by Chief Inspector, Dr. Mark Evans, Mrs Annie Tennant and Mr Alistair Downs. The College was marked/assessed against nine criteria (pdf copy of the BSO standards attached) which is set by the Department for Education (DfE, UK government)and apply to all British Schools overseas in all parts of the world.
It is my pleasure to share that James Hope College has succeeded in measuring up to the criteria and exceeding some and thus will be awarded accredited status!
The profoundness of this milestone impacts upon one when you consider that JHC is the only school in Delta State, one of five schools in Nigeria and 1 of 160 schools world-wide, to have this prestigious certification and elite accreditation. It speaks volumes about the effort, hard-work, sweat and tears (now tears of joys) of students, staff, parents, our Founders – Mr and Mrs Ovia, the Board of Governors and other stakeholders in achieving this within only five years of its operation. This accomplishment is the continuation of our journey on the road of excellence, however, we are cognisant that more work is to be done to further improve and retain this status.
A full report will be issued within the next few weeks and will be available on our website. BSO inspections reports inform parents of students in British Schools overseas and other stakeholders how the standards measure up to those that apply to independent/private schools in the United Kingdom, taking into account local requirements.
An essential element of the BSO inspection is the extent to which the British character of schools is evident in their ethos, curriculum, teaching, care for students and students’ achievements. By meeting the BSO standards JHC is demonstrating that we provide a British education that has similar characteristics to an education in an independent school in the UK. Moreover, JHC will now have the credentials to become a member of the Association of British Schools Overseas (AoBSO). Also, a copy of our inspection report will be posted on the UK government web site.
We look forward meeting the Year 9, 11 and 12 parents on Saturday, 17th November for the Parent-Teacher Academic Review day.
In conclusion, ‘Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it’, and ‘Joy is the simplest form of gratitude’.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]click here to download the JHC Parents Newsletter 14 November 2018[/highlight]
[highlight dark=”no”]click here to download the BSO Standards[/highlight]
07th November 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
Greetings from a lovely and cool Agbor! At JHC it is as busy as a beehive with one more week till the conclusion of the IGCSE examinations, internal examinations to start next week for the rest of the students, the BSO inspection, etc.
Next week Saturday, 17th November 2018 will be Academic Review for parents of Year 9, 11 and 12 students. Affected parents are urged to attend as critical information will be shared. More importantly, staff reviewing with parents the performance of students affords a one-on-one opportunity to share areas of strength as well as areas for improvement to progress to the next level in their learning. I have attached a pdf document which may assist with helping parents to make the most of this precious time.
The JHC Entrance Exams 2019/20 are currently advertised in national newspapers and on the website. If you have family or friends who have children of the correct age to start College, then please share this information with them. To note, the Open Day for prospective parents is Saturday, 24th November 2018.
Renowned author, Maya Angelou said, ‘My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style’ – upon reflection we may ask, ‘What is my mission, or do I just plod on from one day to the next?’. And James Faust reminds us of the importance of accepting the contradictions of life but that there is a higher purpose to what we go through, ‘If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor could we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens. We must partake of the bitter with the sweet.There is a divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless.’
Enjoy the week ahead and as the French speakers would say, ‘au revoir’ – until we meet again.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]How to Make the Most of Parent Teacher Conferences 7 November 2018[/highlight]
26th October 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
Time certainly flies when you enjoy yourself. No doubt, the students currently on half-term break will be wanting an extra few days holiday. However, the reality is that we have an extremely busy second half-term ahead and all of us, including students, will have to do their part. Thus, we are looking forward welcoming them this coming Sunday, bright-eyed and eager to continue to do their best.
A reminder to all parents to check that your children have all the correct uniform items and correct gear, in other words, no clothing items which are not approved or electronic devices, etc. before their arrival on campus.
The Year 12 students have been engaged in the IGCSE examinations and will be completing the last examination in less than three weeks’ time. Once again, a vote of thanks to the staff who stayed back to ensure that these pioneers are well cared for, academically and physically. Here is a summary of the programme for the next half-term.
Date | Events |
10th October – 14th November 2018 | IGCSE examinations |
19th – 28th October 2018 | Half-term Break for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 |
12th – 15th November 2018 | British Schools Overseas (BSO) Inspection |
17th November 2018 | Academic Review Year 9, 11 & 12 Students only |
24th November 2018 | Open Day for prospective parents and students |
30th November 2018 | Year 12’s to vacate early for end of term |
02nd December 2018 | JHC Xmas Concert |
07th December 2018 | End of term and all students return on 6th January 2019 |
In conclusion, here are some wise counsel for a positive day and life: ‘Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.’ Enjoy the weekend until we meet again.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]JHC Parents Newsletter 26 October 2018[/highlight]
10th October 2018
Dear Parents and Friends , I trust that this letter finds you in good spirits. Our thoughts, prayers and well wishes to the Year 12’s who are starting the IGCSE examinations today . A BIG thank you to all the parents who turned out for the Parents Visiting day last week Saturday – what a fantastic gathering, joyous noise and cheerful chattering filled the campus; after all, this is what gives any school its life, the people who fills and passes through it. It was good to see all and have informal conversations about a range of matters. The Great Hall was filled at both levels and the picnic tables are a great addition with some opting to have their meals outside. ‘The secret to success is constancy to purpose’ , or to paraphrase, ‘being consistent is the foundation of being successful’. How true this is whether you are a student, teacher, entrepreneur or a parent. When it comes to striving for success, consistency can be monotonous. It’s not something that exactly ignites passion and drive. But it’s the one thing that separates those who hit their goals week in and week out, and those that don’t.Consistency is silent, it’s completely under the radar and it’s the key differentiator between success and failure. The following have been identified as the benefits of consistency in one’s life and work: 1. Accountability – This is probably the most obvious factor and easily overlooked. It’s innately human to deflect responsibility and point blame elsewhere when we haven’t got the outcome we wanted. By creating consistency around work/school goals and targets, and implementing practices that keep you on course, you inevitably create accountability for not only yourself but your team. 2. Clarity – Further to accountability, clarity is another inevitable outcome of consistency. Consistency will give you clarity, allowing you to focus with a fierce, undeterrable nature. Also, to prioritize by categorizing urgent and non-urgent tasks and this helps to stay focused and consistent. 3. Motivation – We feel much better when you are on top of your work for the day or week – one feels unstoppable, fierce and motivated. One’s effort and productivity increase significantly, and you are constantly motivated to just keep going, and do better every time. 4. Confidence – When you are clear minded & motivated, it’s only normal that your confidence is raised. You’ll find yourself a lot more assertive, self-assured and confident in the decisions you are making. The above is all interrelated. Consistency truly is key when it comes to success in all areas of life – school, work, business and socially. Enjoy the week ahead until we meet again. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal
[highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL JHC Parents Newsletter 10 October 2018[/highlight]
25th September 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
‘No subject of study is more important than reading…all other intellectual powers depend on it.’ – as such, reading is one of the vital activities encouraged at JHC. At the recent Monday assemblies’ students had the opportunity to share the importance of what they have read over the summer holidays.
This is an interactive activity that doesn’t merely ask for a recall of information but answers to questions requiring deep reading. Thus far, those invited on stage, from Year 7 to Year 12 students, have risen to the challenge. The above is one way to inspire confidence and boost authentic literacy.
This include students reading about a subject, writing about it and speaking competently and independently about it. At each step, the learning deepens, until the student demonstrates mastery and ownership of the knowledge, at which point they can confidently express it to others. On another matter, previously the Year 9 students were congratulated for doing well in the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations.
Currently, we now praise them for an outstanding BECE result, the best-ever for JHC…CONGRATULATIONS! For more details please read the information ‘FROM THE DESK of the VICE PRINCIPAL (Academic)’. Furthermore, carefully consider the information summarised under ‘FUTURE EVENTS’ as your attendance and support will be required.
In conclusion, ‘A tree is known by its fruit; a person by their deeds. A good deed is never lost; he or she who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he/she who plants kindness gathers love’; also, ‘There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.’, and, ‘Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down’. Enjoy the week ahead and I look forward seeing you on Saturday, 6th of October for the Parents Visiting Day.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
13th September 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
On Saturday the new Year 7 students were welcomed to the James Hope College family, and on Sunday the rest of the students – they were all ‘bright and bushy-tailed’! It was a great start with the news that we had the best-ever BECE results with five students achieving straight A’s, but more on this in the next newsletter.
The students are settling in well as we focussed on the essential tasks on hand, namely, getting into our academic routines as well as completing the usual organisational matters. Furthermore, we have added five more staff to our family. It is my pleasure to introduce, Mrs. Prosper Aboyegi (Science), Mrs. Taiwo Sokoya (House parent and PE), Mr Kingsley Akpabio (Science and Maths), Mr. Oluchuwu Eke (Igbo) and Mr Gabriel Edeh (ICT) – they were recruited from reputable schools and brings with them a wealth of experience and good teaching practices.
This year is another milestone for JHC as we are now five years old with all levels in operation, from Year 7 to 12. We have grown and performed well since September 2013 and our pioneer students will sit the first ever IGCSE and WAEC examinations.
The theme for this year is ‘CONSISTENCY MATTERS’ – continual encouragement and reminders will focus on the steadfast adherence to principles and behaviours which will propel us to greater heights. After all, whatever the task or project if one works harder, apply more energy and time to it, and are more consistent then the overall result will be better.
A few changes have necessitated some minor adjustments to the 2018/19 academic calendar and this will be shared soon. In conclusion, ‘There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.’
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
22nd August 2018
Dear Parents and Friends,
The August holidays will soon be concluding and then it is back to school, yes, another school year is upon us! I can’t tell you enough how excited my team and I are as we have spent the holidays and months before to ensure that we are on track to have another great year. I trust that our students had a relaxing time and are energised to continue to do well upon resumption.
Similarly, our staff have made the most of this well-deserved break and are ready for another productive academic year. This school year is truly going to be something special. Why? Because I can promise you that James Hope College is going to be a place filled with joy, passion, and learning. At JHC we want each and every person that comes onto this campus to know they are valued and that they hold tremendous worth. We want to teach our students to “Be Courageous and Give it a Go”.We believe in fresh-starts and new beginnings. We believe in growth and potential. And we believe in bringing everyone together to accomplish success.
To the students, I want you to know how much we truly care about you at JHC. You are the reason we come to work every day. You matter to each and every one of us. When you come onto this campus, you are the most important thing in the world to us. We hope that every day you reside on campus, to know how special you are and just how much potential you hold. To the parents and friends, you are just as important. Without you, we will not reach our full potential as a school. We value you and your opinions. We look to you as a partner in your child’s education.
We are excited to work with you and at JHC you are always welcome. To everyone, this is a team effort. We know it will take an entire school community coming together, as such we invite you to fully participate in all events in the upcoming school year. To my Year 12’s, your journey starts early and we are ready to welcome you on Sunday, 26th August; the new Year 7’s on Saturday, 8th September and the rest of the students on Sunday, 9th September 2018.
Please re-read the last newsletter posted on the 12 th of July 2018 to familiarise yourselves and your children before resumption with expectations regarding summer reading, uniform, and items not to be brought on campus, etc. The latter is important as it can become distractions which we can do without. This academic year is filled with unlimited potential and we are ready to meet each and every challenge head on!
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL JHC Parents Newsletter 22 August 2018[/highlight]
12th July 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, We have reached the end of another academic year and upon reflection it has been another successful and joyous one. In fact, on Saturday, 14th of July, at our annual Prizegiving I will share the milestones reached and the joys we have experienced. With the previous newsletter I congratulated the Year 9 students who did excellently well in the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations . This fantastic achievement was praised throughout Nigeria with the great news placed in national newspapers on several days. Well done!
The students who were part of the International Award for Young People Nigeria (a.k.a JHC DoE), completed the adventurous journey part recently and camping was definitely a new experience for some – but more information on this in the next newsletter. I have perused all the students reports and commended where necessary and encouraged to improve where required. Please study your child’s report and support where it is needed. As usual, the final newsletter contains a generous portion of information & reminders and parents are encouraged to familiarise themselves with it.
Take note of the information from the VP’s Academic and Pastoral , as well as Uniform Matters . In conclusion, ‘The achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined effort of each individual.’, and, ‘In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit’. I look forward meeting up with you on Saturday to personally thank you for your support and contributions throughout this year.
Yours faithfully
Abraham P. Swart
[highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER-JHC Parents Newsletter 12 July 2018[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
29th June 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, With only two more weeks until the close of this academic year, there never seem to be enough time in the day to complete everything. But students and staff alike are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday with family and friends. CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 9 students who did excellently well in the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations … 100% of students achieved grades Good to Excellent which is a JHC first! The top achievers were acknowledged and praised at the assembly this morning. More information to follow. Moreover, the first ever JHC Career Fair kicked-off in fine form on Saturday, 23rd of June 2018. I wish to thank all staff for their tireless efforts in making this event a success but more so the students and parents who attended. For more info on the Career Fair, see the article on the JHC website Homepage. Furthermore, attached please find a copy of the JHC Academic Calendar for 2018/2019 – this was shared earlier this year. The reason I am sharing this again is for parents to arrange their affairs accordingly as not to make plans during school time (teaching and learning time) which can impact negatively on their child’s progress. I want to commend the 99 % of our parents who do comply. To be noted, some reasons for approved absences are medical reasons and important family matters. However, please don’t expect us to rubber-stamp arrangements which are made without seeking the College’s input first, after all, we are in a partnership to ensure that the best is done for your child and unilateral decisions do not bode well. JHC is not like any other school as we teach a dual curriculum which means every day is critical to ensure completion of the teaching and learning programmes. Your cooperation is expected and valued. I look forward to your attendance of the annual JHC Prize giving on Saturday, 14th of July 2018 . In conclusion, ‘There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it . ’, and, ‘I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value ’. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]JHC Parents Newsletter 29 June 2018[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
14th June 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, EXAMINATIONS or EXAMS…a word that fills most students with dread but soon JHC students will be breathing sighs of relief as these will be concluded shortly. Examinations are important as students can demonstrate what they know and can do. It also enables teachers to be confident in the accuracy of their judgements about each student. Each subject has a specific body of knowledge that students are expected to learn, for example in Physics, students might learn about thermodynamics, while Geography students might learn about tectonic plate movements. Exams enable us to accurately test students’ breadth of understanding of these topics. Furthermore, exams offer students opportunities to demonstrate inculcated higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis and decision-making thus revealing their real skills, talents and knowledge. In addition, there is evidence that both studying for and sitting exams deepens learning. Studying is like exercising. When one exercises, the muscles in use grow stronger. Likewise, the process of searching through ones memory and retrieving the relevant information strengthens that memory pathway for future uses. Consequently, examinations also have the power to enhance what students know. Congratulations to the newly appointed prefects, Naomi Ajudua, Thelma Gbe, Chineben Ogbuigwe, Akajuigo Amucheazi, Iniebi Inaibo, Kelechi Kelechi-Samuel, Franklin Damasus, Oladele Hotonu, Oghenetega Bazunu, Otuobi Nwagwu, Ifechukwude Isichei, Efemena Juweto, Aroesiri Enameguono, Joan Amahia, Motunrayo Asalu and Peace Osamor. Moreover, Aroesiri has been selected as Head boy with Akajuigo as the deputy Head boy and Naomi the Head girl and Thelma, deputy Head girl. Serving as a prefect is a privilege and an opportunity to be of service to others and to lead by example…we wish them well! A gentle reminder, on the 23rd of June the College will have a Careers Fair, all Year 9, 10 and 11 Parents and students will be expected to attend and we will start promptly at 10.10 am In conclusion, ‘Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other’, and, ‘To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity’. Yours faithfully, Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
On June 8, CNN is asking students around the world to celebrate World Oceans Day with a Zero Plastic Lunch — a lunch with no single-use plastics. Schools and students then share photos of their lunches, and videos explaining what changes they made to their lunch, with CNN on social media and email. James Hope College will partner with other schools on this project. The best submissions will be featured on CNN TV and their live blog online. You can find more information about Zero Plastic Lunch Day, including articles about our oceans, learning PDFs in different languages, and a video on single-use plastics for schools to screen on their website, CNN produced some FAQs about the initiative and how schools can take part: What is it? #ZeroPlasticLunch is a day-long, student-driven event to raise awareness of single-use plastic waste within schools and communities around the world.
- When is it? World Oceans Day, June 8 2018.
- What is the problem with plastics? Every year the world produces 300 million tons of plastic — eight million tons of which goes into our oceans. More than 40% of our plastic trash falls under the single-use plastic umbrella — that is, plastic designed to be used just once. Sometimes this plastic is used for minutes before being discarded, but it stays in our environment for hundreds of years. As single-use plastics decompose, they release toxic chemicals that damage our natural habitat and harm marine animals. Of all the plastic created, only 9% of it has been recycled. And by 2050, the UN predicts that there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans.
- What is CNN asking schools to do? On June 8 this year, CNN is asking students around the world to celebrate World Oceans Day with a Zero Plastic Lunch — a lunch with no single-use plastic components.
- CNN wants you to evaluate the number of single-use plastics — such as packaging, cutlery and straws — that you use throughout the week. Then, think about replacing these items with environmentally friendly alternatives. For example, swap a plastic straw — which takes 450 years to decompose — with a paper one, or simply don’t use one at all. You can participate in the campaign by sharing a photo of your normal lunch and your Zero Plastic Lunch with CNN, by emailing, or using the hashtag #ZeroPlasticLunch on social media. You can also send a video, telling CNN about the changes you will make to use less single-use plastics.
- CNN is also combating plastic straws, which are used once then trashed — hardly any are recycled. Convince your school to ban plastic straws, and share with CNN by emailing, or using the hashtag #thelaststraw.
You can find more information about Zero Plastic Lunch Day, including articles about the oceans, learning PDFs in different languages, and a video on single-use plastics for schools to screen on their website, Furthermore, peruse the JHC contribution through the following links: —————————————————————————————————————————————————
1st June 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, As we are getting ready to receive our Year 7, 8 and 10 students this Sunday, I want to thank my staff for the extra work that was done to support our Year 9 and 11 students over the past week for the respective BECE and IGCSE examination preparations. With teachers’ comments such as, ’ When you find yourself lying awake at 3:00 in the morning, wondering what you can do to make yourself a better teacher, you have reached the point where you really do understand what teaching all about is ; and, ‘ This is not a profession — it is a passion !’ confirms that teaching is a calling and a labour of love. I wholeheartedly believe that teaching is a high calling. It is not merely a call to help students learn how to read and write well or be mathematically competent, it is also a call to shape their character and become productively engaged citizens of this world. As such I want to commend all my staff for their commitment and dedication on behalf of the future leaders of Nigeria! Students have the privilege to bring Flash Drives to school for designated school work. However, a handful of students abuse this as they add movies and music files at home which is against college rules. Parents are requested to check the contents of this before they arrive on Sunday and delete any material which is against college rules. Also, only flash drives (4 to 16 GB) are permitted and not the larger external storage devices which normally exceeds 250 GB. On 23rd of June the College will have a Careers Fair ,all Year 9, 10 and 11 Parents and students will be expected to attend – more details to follow soon. In conclusion, ‘ There’s nothing so kingly or queenly as kindness, and nothing so royal as truth’; and, ‘Teaching is the royal road to learning’. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER 01 June 2018[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
15th May 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, Greetings to all our parents and friends from a cool Agbor where we are enjoying the rainy season. There is a saying that ‘practice makes perfect’, as such our Year 9 students are in full assessment mode this week in sitting full practice examinations or ‘mock exams’ in getting prepared for the BECE external examinations later this term. The logic is that the more practice they are given, the better the result will be. The standards have been set and this year’s results should be nothing less than the previous achievements. It may appear that the emphasis for examination preparation is only on the Years 9 and 11 students but far from it, as ALL STUDENTS are expected to learn, revise, study and do their best continuously – this reminder is shared regularly. I am privileged to have two large display boards outside my office which have students’ art work on it and these pieces are changed every term. The latest displays from our Year 10 students are simply breath-taking and a testimony to the dedication of both our art teacher Mrs Margaret Ogbe-Asenguah and her students. The use of colours is vivid and stimulating, field of depth and perspective excellent and use of space interesting and bold; some pieces are contrasting, and others are flowing and calm. I have shared some images on the next page. In conclusion, ‘Life is the art of drawing without an eraser’; and, ‘Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books – especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day.’ Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER 15 May 2018 (2)[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
2nd May 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, We are in the last stretch of this academic year and it is and will be ‘all hands on deck’ to use a nautical term. As such a ‘thank you’ to the Year 9’s who started a week earlier but also to the staff who supported whilst they prepared and wrote the CIEA Check point examinations. Of importance, for the Year 9 and 11 students there will be no mid-term break as they will stay on campus for the respective BECE and IGCSE examination preparations. Please read this under ‘Reminders” on the next page and more information will be shared later. Likewise, the current Year 11’s (Year 12’s for the new academic year) will return to College two weeks before the start of the new academic year, Sunday, 26th of August 2018, for IGCSE examination preparations. Furthermore, as from 25th of May 2018 there will be new data protection regulations (General Data Protection Regulation -GDPR) that will come into effect. This will supersede the old Data Protection regulations and enhances some aspects. We will communicate more information on this as time goes on and be assured that personal and confidential information will continue to be protected. In addition, don’t forget the 14th of July 2018, the JHC Annual Prize-Giving, when our students’ achievements are celebrated and echoed – all parents are encouraged to attend. In conclusion, ‘ Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ’; and, ‘Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship’; also, ‘Perfection is not attainable , but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence’; and lastly, ‘To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.’ Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER 2 May 2018[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
26th March 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, This has been a productive term with a variety of activities in both academic and non-academic. I extend gratitude to our parents who supported us, the staff who laboured intensively and our students who are attempting to do their best. JHC is a small college, but the work involved in taking care of our students, in curricular and co-curricular matters, and ensuring optimal operational efficiency takes the same amount of effort as running a larger school. So, all the support is always welcomed and valued. We are a young school, only five years in the making and we need as parents to temper our expectations with regards to certain matters. However, I can assure you that we will always do our best to ensure that each child’s needs are catered for and met. Our school will be on Easter break from Wednesday, 28th March onwards, and the Year 9’s will return on 15th April and all other students on 22nd April. During the break, I ask parents to check that the school uniform items are checked and cleaned, blazers to be dry cleaned, proper socks are bought, etc. But more importantly, take time to read through the academic report of your child, discuss areas of concern and encourage them to always give their best; furthermore, contact the school if you have any concerns and we will assist readily. This edition of the newsletter features the Sports Day, held on the 17th March 2018 as contributed by Mr Gbenga Akindele. In conclusion, a few thoughts as we are about to celebrate Easter with family and friends, ‘Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.’ ; and, ‘Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smil e of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.’ Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and friends. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]Download The Full Newsletter 26 March 2018[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
13th March 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, Greetings from a cool and beautiful Agbor. Our students have just completed their examinations and will be sharing progress reports when we break for the Easter holidays. Education Outside the Classroom (EOtC) which include field-trips is an important part of learning. It has a host of benefits, for example, it can help to bring many school subjects alive as they focus on real results and consequences, provides experiential opportunities allowing students to respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope with change. Quality learning experiences in ‘real’ situations have the capacity to raise achievement across a range of subjects and to develop better personal and social skills. When these experiences are well planned, safely managed and personalized to meet the needs of every student they can: • Improve academic achievement. • Provide a bridge to higher order learning. • Develop skills and independence in a widening range of environments. • Make learning more engaging and relevant to young people. • Develop active citizens and stewards of the environment. • Nurture creativity. • Stimulate, inspire and improve motivation. • Improve young people’s attitudes. On another note, I want to thank our Year 9 and 11 parents who attended the Academic Review day to discuss the progress of their children. It is the expectation that parents will partner with us in our effort to ensure the children achieve to the best of their abilities but also exceed in the respective external examinations. A gentle reminder…this weekend, Saturday 17th March 2018, JHC will be holding its annual Sports Day event combined with Parents Visiting Day. It promises to be an exciting day and the students are eagerly looking forward to this day. Parents are welcome to bring along drinks and food items to share with their children. We look forward to seeing you all. The event will start by 10:00am. In conclusion, this edition of the newsletter features reports on some of the events that took place during the term. We appreciate and look forward to your continuous support of all our school matters both academic and non-academic. Stephen Hawking, a renowned scientist said: ‘People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.’; and, ‘However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at’. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
28th February 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that all is well. Firstly, we are proud to announce the membership of James Hope College to the Microsoft Imagine Academy (MIA) programme. This programme will provide technology education for students and staff spanning computer basics to high-level programming, along with information and communications technology management – from a complete Computer Science and Office 365 curricula geared toward converting computer users into computer developers as well as converting computer users into productivity software experts. Students can get hands-on experience with the latest Microsoft technology to learn new skills and gain a competitive edge in the next step in their academics. To learn more about the programme please [highlight dark=”no”]CLICK[/highlight] to see the attached launch brief. Secondly, all staff are labouring intensively to prepare our Year 9 and 11 students for their respective examinations in April, May/June and October, through booster classes and subject clinics. In addition, the Year 11 students will receive additional support over several weekends and during the holidays to perform at optimum level for the scheduled IGCSE examinations. Please see the information from Mr Ikuyinminu. In the third instance, I look forward seeing the parents of our Year 9 and 11 students for the Academic Review this Saturday at 10:00 am and punctuality will be appreciated. In conclusion, ‘Never forget where you have been. Never lose sight of where you are going. And never take for granted the people who travel the journey with you.’; also, ‘Acceptance and tolerance and forgiveness, those are life-altering lessons.’; and ’Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrate walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.’ Yours sincerely Mr. Abraham Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
6th February 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, After a busy half-term, students and staff will have a short respite to re-energize and be ready for another activity-filled half-term upon their return. Upon resumption, the focus will primarily be the continuation of preparing the Year 9’s and 11’s for the fast-approaching external examinations with more vigor and vim, and a laser-like focus. Students need to apply the utmost conscientiousness and do more than what is required as staff will expect nothing less than a 101% consistent effort. What makes you happy or put another way, what will make you happy? Harvard psychologist and Happiness researcher, Daniel Gilbert, author of bestselling book, ‘Stumbling on Happiness’, says our beliefs about what will make us happy are often wrong — a premise he supports with intriguing research. He believes that, in our ardent, lifelong pursuit of happiness, most of us have the wrong map. In the same way that optical illusions fool our eyes — and fool everyone’s eyes in the same way — Gilbert argues that our brains systematically misjudge what will make us happy. And these quirks in our cognition make humans very poor predictors of our own bliss. Furthermore, he puts it, “If I wanted to predict your happiness, and I could know only one thing about you, I wouldn’t want to know your gender, religion, health, or income. I’d want to know about your social network – about your friends and family and the strength of the bonds with them.” Deep connections with others enrich our lives and form a foundation for happiness across the lifespan. The above is important as more people become addicted to social media platforms and different kinds of technology, allowing these to result in a disconnect from reality and society. Technology is important, but it should not be at the expense of relationships, bonds and connections, whether personal, family or community, otherwise we will eventually reap what we sow. Daniel Gilbert indicates that other indicators of happiness and include, ownership over one’s decisions, hard work and feeling competent, and gratitude for your lot in life. I wish you all the best and enjoy the time with your children. Yours sincerely Mr. Abraham Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
19th January 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, Greetings from a very pleasant Agbor, this is a lovely time of the year as the temperatures are cooler, humidity low and no rainfall for now. The students have settled into the college routines and the DEAR programme is running well. Students are reading productively, and each will have an opportunity to provide insights and lessons gleaned from their reading via a table discussion at the forthcoming assemblies. Apart from instilling time management and organisational skills through the DEAR programme, we also attempt to develop high levels of student achievement in reading, writing, and speaking about their reading. Research has shown that the most effective instructional practices include students reading about a subject, writing about it and speaking competently and independently about it – this being referred to as authentic literacy . At each step, the learning deepens, until the student demonstrates mastery and ownership of the knowledge, at which point they can confidently express it to others. Furthermore, Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) has informed us of the dates for the Year 9 Checkpoint examination dates and fees. More details to be shared about this shortly. A note of gratitude to Mrs Itanyi for delivering the talk on ‘It’s my choice’ at the JHC Annual Formal Lunch last Saturday – see attached report. In conclusion, ‘A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose’; and, ‘Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.’ Have a great weekend! Yours sincerely Mr. Abraham Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
10th January 2018
Dear Parents and Friends, Compliments of the season…and now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been, 365 new days and 365 new opportunities! We welcomed back all students and staff on Sunday. In addition, a new staff, Mr Andrew Umukoro, who is a senior English teacher, joined us from Day Waterman College – welcome to the JHC family. Our focus this term is the continuance and consolidation of teaching and learning, this being in addition to our preparation for the forthcoming BECE, CIE Checkpoint and IGCSE external examinations. The airlines have disappointed us again as there were no flights from Lagos to Benin on Sunday (and two weeks before this), consequently, a vast majority of our Lagos parents opted to send their children by road. Thus, it would be wise to consider whether air travel is still viable in view of the unreliability of the Lagos-Benin route. Please let me know your thoughts in this regard. A fuller newsletter will be sent out next week. In conclusion, ‘I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something’. Have an awesome week! Yours sincerely Mr. Abraham Swart Principal For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at 0708 396 4440 or [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
04th Decemeber 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, With a flurry of activity our term is fast coming to an end with a well-deserved break beckoning from this Friday onward. But as usual time flies when we are on holiday – we shall all return by the 7th of January 2018. Well done to all who have laboured and toiled to complete tasks and reaching goals – to the students who have done well in both academic and non-academic areas, to the staff who made a positive difference, to our parents and other stakeholders for their efforts in making James Hope College a great school, and finally, our gracious founders, Mr and Mrs. Ovia for their staunch support, enduring love and passion for JHC. I found this delightful story… ‘The Pastor Stole Our Spoon!’ A pastor had dinner at the home of a couple in his church. After he left, the wife said to the husband, “I think he stole our spoon!”. This bothered her for a whole year. A year later the couple had the pastor for dinner again. Unable to resist, the wife asked, “Did you steal our spoon last year?” The pastor replied, “No, I put it inside your Bible.” I guess the lesson is to read regularly as you might find the answers to what you are looking for. Please note that this issue of the newsletter contains important information which all parents needs to act on. In conclusion, ‘Be careful with your words, once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten’; and, ‘Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.’ Enjoy the break with your loved ones, happy holidays and may God bless you abundantly. Mr. Abraham Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
22nd November 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that you are well. CONGRATULATIONS to Aroesiri Enameguono who has been selected to receive the Delta State Award having distinguished himself as the overall Best Student in the recently concluded 2016/2017 BECE of Delta State. It is also appropriate to share the accolades with all who had a hand in achieving this, his parents, staff of JHC and the benevolence of our founders, Mr Jim Ovia and Mrs Kay Ovia. We are proud of this achievement and JHC is putting its mark on the educational landscape…a young lion is certainly roaring! On Saturday, 18 November 2017, we had a good turnout of prospective students and their parents for the JHC Open Day , who wish to make JHC their school of choice. However, this is only the start of the journey as selected candidates still have Admissions testing to be done on 27th January 2018 and 3rd of February 2018. After this, the tests are sent to the UK for marking and before the end of February all results should be in. A ranking is done by the UK assessment organisation, GL Education, from the achieved scores and then JHC offer places to the top performing students. As only 40 places are on offer, one can imagine the competitive nature. Scholarships are offered to a handful of exceptionally brilliant students which is the prerogative of the Board. In conclusion, ‘Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning’; and, ‘At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.’ Have an awesome week! Yours sincerely Mr. Abraham Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight]
8th November 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, Salutations and warm greetings! Last Saturday we had another successful exchange with some private schools in Agbor and surrounds. In addition to the football we also had a fruitful interaction with music, arts and craft. This was very insightful as some schools proved to be very creative despite resource constraints. A gentle reminder that we expect the parents of our Year 7, 8 and 10 students on this coming Saturday, 11th of November 2017, for the ACADEMIC REVIEW and PARENTS FORUM. We will gather in the Great Hall at 10.00 am for the Parents Forum which is anticipated not to be more than 30 minutes; after this, circa, 11.00 am the Academic Review will proceed with respective meetings in the Classrooms and Science & Technology areas. It is expected that we will conclude by 3.00 pm latest. The Monday assembly was dedicated to the topic, ‘What it means to be a JHC Scholar’, this was a PowerPoint presentation and compilation was a distillation of the students’ research on this important topic. Please see the attached copy for edification. In conclusion, ‘Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do’; and, ‘The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness’. Have a fantastic week and I look forward to meeting you on Saturday. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
26th October 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that all is well. This is just a short note to say that we have resumed the second half of this term in all vigor and vim with the focus on academics. Furthermore, 99.99% of students completed and returned the small research project regarding, ‘What is a JHC Scholar?’. It will be my pleasure to review these and provide feedback to each student. I am disappointed that a handful of students did not fully complete this despite the crystal-clear instructions. Besides this, I am elated with the efforts and quality of work of the majority. Equally important, students will be exploring this topic at the next two assemblies. Just a gentle reminder that all Year 11 parents are invited to the Study Pathways presentation – all Year 11 students will be in attendance. The date is Saturday, 28th of October from 11.00 am until 1.00 pm. Also, a correction to be noted, the ACADEMIC REVIEW & PARENTS FORUM , on the 11th of November 2017 is for Years 7, 8 and 10 only. The intended date for Years 9 and 11’s will be 3rd of March 2018. In conclusion, ‘Dare, dream, dance, smile, and sing loudly! And have faith that love is an unstoppable force!; and, ‘The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others’. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
12th October 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, The end of half-term has arrived and the students will be on their way home for a short break. The Year 7 students are doing well as they quickly adapted to College routines. However, all students were encouraged to adopt a more scholarly attitude towards their studies, in fact, they have a small assignment to complete in the holidays about the meaning of being a JHC Scholar. This newsletter is packed with information and some requires action from our parents. In a nutshell – the JHC Cultural/Independence Day celebration, our first-ever local inter-school soccer tournament, some useful information regarding the monkey pox, the BOYD programme will be operational as from 22 October, Uniform reminders, Study pathways after Year 12, etc. Enjoy your treasures for the next week and we look forward having them back on the 22nd of October 2017. In conclusion, ‘Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success’; and, ‘Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best’. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight]
28th September 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, What a wonderful sight, filled with happy noise last Saturday, when throngs of parents turned up to interact and share ‘bread’ with their loved ones. We could sense that you certainly missed them. A ginormous thank you for making it a memorable Parents Visiting day! We have had some inquiries from a handful of parents if they can attend the JHC Cultural Day celebration, on Monday, 2nd October . This event has always been an internal one for our staff and students only, as such, the format will remain the same and no parents or public are invited. In conclusion, ‘I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.’ Have a fantastic weekend until we meet again! Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
14th September 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, Students are settling into our routines and doing well. At the Friday assembly, we celebrated the high achievers of the Year 9 EDEXCEL Achievement Checkpoint tests in English, Mathematics and Science which was sat in June 2017. As promised I have attached a summary of these results with the high achievers. At our Monday assembly, the ‘Readers Forum’ started, this is an opportunity for students to share books that they have read. Pointed questions are asked to drill down to the essence of the characters and themes of the books. The first group of students did very well and has set the standard for others to follow. It is well documented that girls read more than boys; however, reading is important in the learning process. Apart from improving understanding and exposing oneself to new things, it helps also to develop the following: Tools of communication: Communication is the most important tool which can be transmitted through reading. As you communicate through reading, you understand more, and thus you can communicate better with people. Through reading, you build a more solid foundation for communication. It is one of the most important tools we use every day to connect with each other. Whereas if you don’t read, you can’t even connect with the world and what people are talking about out there. Reading connects you with the world. Connecting the brain: When reading, you’re in full silence because reading connects directly to your brain. In silence, you seek for more; in silence, your brain is clear and focusses. Thus, you learn and grow, and therefore you feel and see from the point of view of the author about everything in life. Hence you shape a better self. Boosting imagination and creativity: Reading exposes you to a world of imagination, showing that nothing is impossible in this world. By reading, you are exploring a different angle to see a thing you’ve known, on how different action leads to different results. Books are beyond imagination. It’s like a huge spider web, where you keep linking to more and more to things you knew, and things you just learn, structuring new solutions and answers. In conclusion, ‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’; and, ‘Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace’. Have a good week ahead! Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Dear Parents and Friends, A hearty welcome to all students, old and new, who arrived over the weekend for the start of the 2017/2018 academic year! Also, a very warm welcome to our new parents. This is just a brief letter to inform you that your loved-ones are doing well and to share with all some important information and dates. Please note that a more generous newsletter will follow soon. At our first assembly on Monday, I shared with students our expectations of them…in part, here is the gist of the encouragement. ‘The focus is the responsibility each student has for their education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Every single one of you has something you’re good at, and you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That’s the opportunity James Hope College provides. But at the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and being educated at the best school in the world – and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfil your responsibilities . Unless you pay attention to the teachers; listen to your parents, and other adults; and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. What you’re learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future. That’s why today, I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education – and to do everything you can to meet them. Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending time each day reading a book. So today, I want to ask you, what’s your contribution going to be? What problems are you going to solve? What discoveries will you make? Your families, your teachers, and I are doing everything we can to make sure you have the education you need to answer these questions. We expect you to get more serious this year, toput your best effort into everything you do. I expect great things from each of you. So, don’t let us down – don’t let your family, teachers or yourself down. Make us all proud. I know you can do it.’ In conclusion, ‘We should not give up and we should not let the problem defeat us’; and, ‘If you do what you love that is the best way to relax’. Have a fantastic week ahead! Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that you are well. On Saturday, 8th of July 2017, the James Hope College Annual Prize-Giving will signal the end of the 2016/2017 academic year. All parents are invited as we celebrate and recognise our students’ performances – the function will start promptly at 11.00 am and should be concluded by 1.00 pm. The report envelope which students will bring home on Saturday contains several reminders and information requests, please ensure that you read and respond accordingly : Here is a list of the information included: 1. Academic Report 2. Progressive Test Results for Years 7, 8 and 9. 3. Summer Holiday Reading Project. 4. School Fee invoice. 5. Bike and Bead Club notices. 6. School Uniform specifications. 7. Immunisation Precaution note. 8. DoE consent Letter. Parents are to study the respective reports of their children and provide support where necessary. Providing feedback about student performances is an ongoing activity, whether positive or negative, and parents are kept abreast. We thank the parents who engaged with us over the last two weeks regarding this. I wish you a good week, hope to see all of you on Saturday at our Annual Prize Giving event, and to enjoy the holidays with your children. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] [highlight dark=”no”]Download – Boys Uniform List[/highlight] [highlight dark=”no”]Download – Girls Uniform List[/highlight] [highlight dark=”no”]Download – Immunisation Precaution Note[/highlight] [highlight dark=”no”]Download – Summer Novel Reading[/highlight]   —————————————————————————————————————————————————
22nd June 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. As we have just concluded the paper examinations, all students will now engage in online testing over the next week. For the Year 7, 8 and 9’s, the Progressive tests in English, Mathematics and the Sciences, to ascertain progress made, and the Year 10’s, the CAT4 , to provide predicted IGCSE scores. As per practice, parents will be provided with the results. This is also the time for deep reflection , a process of examining and interpreting experience to gain new understanding of progress, and it was educational reformer, John Dewey, who stated, “We do not learn from experience … we learn from reflecting on experience”. As such student performances will be analysed, and where needed, meetings will be called for to discuss performances that fell short of abilities and expectations. Another action will be to adjust teaching and learning to get the maximum benefits for students. As a dual curriculum (Nigerian and British) school we are teaching and preparing all our students to sit both IGSCE and WAEC examinations in their final year. Current registration fees for IGCSE can range from N39,000 to N41,000 per subject, and for the WAEC +/-N20,000 for the full examination. However, as soon as we have the updated fees then it will be communicated as well as due dates for payment. James Hope College is growing rapidly and gaining a positive reputation as we are achieving excellent results . No doubt, as parents, friends and supporters you have contributed to this and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. However, more is still to be done and your support will be called on when needed. I wish you a good weekend and hope to see all of you on Saturday, 8th of July 2017 at our Annual Prize Giving event. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————
8th June 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, We had a good start to this half-term, the last session of this academic year, and currently all students are busy with examinations. Firstly, I would like to thank our Year 9 students who have been working and studying hard to complete the Edexcel Check Point examinations last week and the BECE examinations this week. Secondly, a big thank you to the following staff who sacrificed their holiday break to support and assist these students, Messrs. Udofia, Oduloye, Abhulimhen, Akindele, Anaukwu and Ikuyinminu, and Mesdames Gbadeyan and Lewechi. Please note that due to ongoing examinations a fuller newsletter will be published next week. For more information or clarification on any matter, feel free to contact me at 0708 396 4440 or In conclusion, ‘Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.’ ; also, ‘High expectations are the key to everything.’ Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THIS NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
19th May 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, As we are rushing to the end of this half-term a certain anxiety grips us, whether we are students or teachers – for teachers it is, ‘Have we done enough to prepare our students for the impending examinations?’, and for students, ‘Have I done my utmost and studied hard enough to be successful?’ Irrespective, we need to maintain focus on the task at hand, and for the remaining time which is dwindling fast, each student is reminded and encouraged to give their very best and finish strong! Here are some thoughts to keep in mind… The greatest Joy……………….GIVING The most satisfying work………HELPING OTHERS The ugliest personality trait…………SELFISHNESS Our greatest natural resource……………Our YOUTH The most powerful force in life………………LOVE The most prized possession…………….INTEGRITY The most beautiful attire………………….SMILE! The most powerful channel of communication……PRAYER The most contagious spirit…………….ENTHUSIASM Enjoy the rest of the newsletter until we meet again. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
5th May 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. In this final term, we are totally focused on examinations and assessments, internal and external, as such, students are continually reminded of the importance of these. To many students, examinations are the frightening destroyer of school joy. However, they are also very important. Firstly, examinations are the students’ motivation to learn more, as it compels to solidify what was learnt, study further and practice skills. Secondly, old lessons are to be revised to obtain all important issues; also, all possible questions must be investigated and unconsciously new knowledge is absorbed. Thirdly, logical and critical thinking are sharpened which are essential skills in life. After all, if there were no tests, assessments or examinations, students would then naturally rather play than study. In addition, examinations, of course, help to examine students. They show students’ knowledge, abilities, and even character. After knowing their students’ exam results, teachers can have a better understanding about their charges and therefore be able to find a more suitable teaching method. The students can also make learning strategies using their exam scores; for example, if literature shows up as a weakness then spending more time reading books and writing is required, etc. Also, school life is seasoned with exams. Imagine how our days would change if there were no exams. What a relief, right? Whereas, we wouldn’t be able to taste the bitterness of failing an exam. It also means no sweat of studying hard and no sweet tears of joy when successfully passing them. And then, you couldn’t prove your abilities to others, too. Without examinations, it would be boring and dull as there would be no challenge to extend ourselves and prove our mettle. In the final instance, school isn’t really school without examinations and these exams will be as easy as pie if we try our best. ‘Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth’; and, ‘Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. Enjoy the rest of the newsletter and please see the attached JHC ACADEMIC CALENDAR for 2017/18. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
26th April 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I am happy to share that we have had a fantastic start to this term, no doubt it will be a very active and intense term as we are doing a range of internal and external assessments. On the 19th of April 2017, the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) promoted James Hope College to member status which is a prestigious award for our school community and recognition of what we have accomplished and still aspire to achieve. Here is a copy of the mail sent to us from Mr Colin Bell, the CEO of COBIS: Dear Abraham, Congratulations to you and your school community on attaining COBIS Member School status. All connected to the COBIS family of schools are proud to have you as members. Please don’t hesitate to contact myself and my team if we can offer any specific support. Kind regards, Colin Colin Bell CEO Council of British International Schools London [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Dear Parents and Friends, I hope that this newsletter finds you well. Firstly, a big thank you to the parents and friends who arrived in full force on Saturday to support their children at the JHC Sports Day…it was a fun day with just the right weather conditions. As usual the parents race was entertaining and I am sure some suffered in the following days with sore muscles. Secondly, as communicated earlier, the current Year 9 students will have their external examination over the term 3 half-term break. As such they will not be on a break during that time but at school preparing and doing the examinations. Please read Mr Ikuyinminu’s information below regarding this. Furthermore, take note of the following information as some require your action: Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal ____________________________________________
Year 9 International/Local Examinations and “Special” Half-Term Break
The Year 9 students will be taking their International Edexcel Achievement Tests/Checkpoint Exams between Wednesday, 31st May and Friday, 2nd June 2017, both days inclusive. Thereafter, they will commence the Delta State Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) from Monday, 5th June to Monday, 12th June 2017 . Consequently, this group of students will not be able to return home, like other students, during the May half-term break. They will remain in school for further Revision Programme with some of their teachers. In the light of the above, Year 9 students will observe their half-term break from Tuesday, 13th June to Saturday, 17th June while they are expected back on campus on Sunday, 18th June 2017. While going on their half-term break, they will be supplied with information on subject choices for the 2017/2018 session when they will commence the Senior Secondary School Programme. Parents are meant to peruse this document and append their signatures where necessary. We will, in addition, provide them (students) with career guidance as well as career talks from professionals before they make their final decisions when they return to school in June. We appeal to parents not to compel their children/wards to offer some specific subjects where it is evident from past records and reports that these students have not got the ability to cope with those subjects. If you require further information on any of the information above, please contact the principal or e-mail me on and you will get a response as soon as possible. Mr Clement Ikuyinminu Vice-Principal (Academic Affairs) [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Dear Parents and Friends, We are gradually coming to the end of this term with only about 2 weeks left. The students have been engaged in a series of events which includes, the Cowbell Mathematics Competition, World Book Day, Art Trip to the Benin Museum to name a few. Details of these events will be featured in our next newsletter.
JHC Sports Day 2017
We use this opportunity to invite parents to the JHC Sports Day 2017, Saturday, 18th March, with a prompt 10.00 am start. This is an annual JHC family gathering to celebrate sporting excellence among our students. The day is expected to be filled with fun and pageantry as the four houses contest for honours in various events. Parents are free to bring along finger foods and refreshments for their children and respective house. In addition, you may bring along any donation/gift you may feel that will add value to the day. This annual event promises to be a great occasion and we urge you to come along and cheer your children to victory. Please take note of the following reminders:
Here follows the travel information for the Air Peace bookings (
Benin-Abuja-Benin | Benin-Lagos-Benin | |
Departure | Parents to make alternative arrangements | Friday, 31st March 2017 by 3:45 pm |
Return | Parents to make alternative arrangements | Wednesday, 19th April 2017 11:30 am |
As a practice, all tickets should be forwarded to, and at least two weeks before the departure date.
Date | Event |
18th March 2017 | JHC Sports Day |
31st March 2017 | End of Term 2 |
19th April 2017 | Students returning for term 3 |
26th May 2017 | Half Term Break Starts |
31st May – 2nd June 2017 | Year 9 Check Point Examination |
04th June 2017 | Year 7,8 & 10 Students returning for term 3b |
05th -12th June 2017 | Year 9 BECE Examination / End of Session Examination |
In conclusion, ‘We may not be perfect but we can become better if we keep chasing perfection’. I look forward seeing all of you on Saturday! Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at 0708 396 4440 or [highlight dark=”no”]DOWNLOAD THE FULL NEWSLETTER[/highlight] ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————
3rd March 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. As we celebrate World Book Day, people often wonder why reading is important; after all, there seems so many other things to do with one’s time. However, reading is important for a variety of reasons and here are some fundamental ones: 1. Open Yourself to New Things: Through reading, you expose yourself to new things, new information, new ways to solve a problem, and new ways to achieve one thing. Who knows – you might find your new hobbies within it. Who knows – you might actually explore one thing you really like and it may end up becoming your career and success in the future. Exploration begins from reading and understanding. 2. Self-Improvement: Reading does help you form a better you, doesn’t it? Through reading, you begin understand the world more. Through reading, you begin to have a greater understanding on a topic that interest you; for example: how to build self-confidence, how to make plan better before taking action, how to memorize things better and more. These self-improvements start from reading; through reading, you create a structured path towards a better understanding and better actions to take in the future. 3. Gain Experience from Other People: When you are reading, you are actually gaining the knowledge and experience of someone. It can hasten your success towards a goal, as you don’t need to repeat the same mistake while focusing on the right path in achieving one thing. It’s like a mountain of gems for you to discover in books, which contain people’s successes, failures and advice. Life is too short for you to keep repeating the mistakes that had been done by other people in the past, in order for you to reach the results that someone might already reached. For example, there are more than several thousand billionaires and millions of millionaires today. To emulate their success, the first thing is to learn and get to know their past, what they did in the past that makes them where they are today. Reading is a great path to get to know them, and learn from these great people. 4. Tools of Communicating: Communication is the most important tool which can be transmitted through reading. As you communicate through reading, you understand more, and thus you can communicate better with people. As with a person that knows nothing, he hasn’t had anything to share, and he probably doesn’t even understand what people are sharing. Through reading, you build a more solid foundation for communication. It is one of the most important tools we use every day to connect with each other. Whereas if you don’t read, you can’t even connect with the world and what people are talking about out there. Reading connects you with the world. 5. Connecting Your Brain: When reading, you’re in full silence because reading connects directly to your brain. In silence, you seek for more; in silence, your brain is clear and focuses. Thus, you learn and grow, and therefore you feel and see from the point of view of the author about everything in life. Hence you shape a better self. 6. Boost Imagination and Creativity: Reading exposes you to a world of imagination, showing you nothing is impossible in this world. By reading, you are exploring a different angle to see a thing you’ve known, on how different action leads to different results. Books are beyond imagination. It’s like a huge spider web, where you keep linking to more and more to things you knew, and things you just learn, structuring new solutions and answers. Enjoy the rest of the newsletter and I look forward seeing you this Saturday for the Academic Review and Parents Visiting day – the Academic Review will be from 10h00 – 13h00 and the Visiting session will commence from 13h00 – 15h00 . Please see the attachment, ‘How to make the most of Parent-Teachers Conferences’. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal
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24th February 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I am glad to report that we have had a good start to this half-term and we are very happy to have all the students return. Earlier in this month we had the British Council visiting James Hope College to inspect and recommend us to become a Cambridge International Examinations centre; the consequence of this would be to offer the Cambridge curricula. We are delighted to report that James Hope College has now been approved as such – no doubt we are extremely pleased about this!

Date | Event |
25th February 2017 | Open Day for Prospective Parents & Students |
04th March 2017 | Academic Review and Parents Visiting Day |
18th March 2017 | JHC Sports Day |
31st March 2017 | End of Term 2 |
19th April 2017 | Students return for the start of Term 3 |
For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at 0708 396 4440 or In conclusion, ‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.’ ; also, ‘A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results’. Yours sincerely Abraham P. Swart Principal
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10th February 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, Half-term has arrived and your treasures are on their way home and we look forward having them return on the 19th of February, energised and rested. Please take note of the following information as some require your action :
Year 9 External Examinations This is to bring to the attention of all parents of our students in Year 9 that registrations for the Year 9 Achievement Tests/Checkpoint and Basic Education Certificate Examinations have commenced. All Year 9 students are expected to return to school after the half-term break with the following items. • 8 copies of passport photographs taken in the school uniform (with blazer) using a whitebackground. • 1 copy of their Primary 6 leaving certificate or statement of result. • A full mathematical set • A scientific calculator (may not be too sophisticated) Any queries about these examinations or this information should be directed to or the Principal.
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2nd February 2017
Dear Parents and Friends, I trust that this newsletter finds you well. An interesting word that is doing the rounds is Moral Intelligence (MI) – Moral Intelligence is what helps our students act right with or without our guidance, and the best news is that this critical intelligence is being taught at JHC; we are instilling this in our students through a range of methods but more importantly through our conduct. Why must we build our students’ Moral IQ? Here are some reasons: 1. Nurtures Good Character. The foundation to good character — or “moral intelligence”– consists of seven core virtues: empathy, conscience, self-control, respect, kindness, tolerance, and fairness . These ultimately form our students’ character and are the principles they’ll use to direct the course of their lives long after we are gone. Building Moral IQ is our best hope that students will have the foundation to good, solid character. 2. Teaches How to Think and Act Right. In these troubling times, parents need to know ways to help their children learn to not only think morally but also to act morally. After all, the true measure of character rests in our actions — not in mere thoughts. Moral Intelligence teaches the specific moral habits that will get our students on the right course so they do act as well as think right. 3. Moral IQ Is Not Guaranteed. Moral IQ is learned, though developing it is far from guaranteed. To ensure students acquire it, we must intentionally model, nurture, reinforce, and teach it. If we don’t, the result is tragic: an increase in insensitivity, dishonesty, aggression, incivility, cruelty, hatred, and injustice. We must be deliberate. 4. Protects Against Toxicity. The truth is, toxic influences can be so entrenched in our culture that shielding students from them is almost impossible. That’s why it’s crucial to build Moral IQ. It will serve as their moral compass so they have deep-seated convictions to stand by their choices and counter any pressures from inside or outside that go against the principles of good character. 5. Teaches Critical Life Skills. Moral IQ is comprised of the skills needed to protect students’ moral lives such as resolving conflicts, empathizing, knowing right from wrong, asserting themselves, controlling anger, learning tolerance, negotiating fairly, communicating respectfully, cooperating, using self-control, sharing, and knowing right from wrong. These skills are needed in all life arenas, and especially in today’s troubled world. 6. Creates Good Citizens. It’s important to remember that the most important measure of a nation is not its gross national product, its technological genius, or its military might. It is the character of its people. Moral intelligence consists of seven timeless virtues that are the bedrock of good citizenship and responsible living. 7. Counters Temptations. Moral Intelligence gives students the power to counter outside and inside vices so they do what’s right. It’s what helps them navigate through the ethical challenges and pressures they will inevitably face throughout life and make the right Dear Parents and Friends, ‘No subject of study is more important than reading…all other intellectual powers depend on it.’ – as such, reading is one of the vital activities encouraged at JHC. At the recent Monday assemblies’ students had the opportunity to share the importance of what they have read over the summer holidays. This is an interactive activity that doesn’t merely ask for a recall of information but answers to questions requiring deep reading. Thus far, those invited on stage, from Year 7 to Year 12 students, have risen to the challenge. The above is one way to inspire confidence and boost authentic literacy. This include students reading about a subject, writing about it and speaking competently and independently about it. At each step, the learning deepens, until the student demonstrates mastery and ownership of the knowledge, at which point they can confidently express it to others. On another matter, previously the Year 9 students were congratulated for doing well in the Cambridge Checkpoint examinations. Currently, we now praise them for an outstanding BECE result, the best-ever for JHC…CONGRATULATIONS! For more details please read the information ‘FROM THE DESK of the VICE PRINCIPAL (Academic)’. Furthermore, carefully consider the information summarised under ‘FUTURE EVENTS’ as your attendance and support will be required. In conclusion, ‘A tree is known by its fruit; a person by their deeds. A good deed is never lost; he or she who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he/she who plants kindness gathers love’; also, ‘There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.’, and, ‘Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down’. Enjoy the week ahead and I look forward seeing you on Saturday, 6th of October for the Parents Visiting Day. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal Dear Parents and Friends, Time certainly flies when you enjoy yourself. No doubt, the students currently on half-term break will be wanting an extra few days holiday. However, the reality is that we have an extremely busy second half-term ahead and all of us, including students, will have to do their part. Thus, we are looking forward welcoming them this coming Sunday, bright-eyed and eager to continue to do their best. A reminder to all parents to check that your children have all the correct uniform items and correct gear, in other words, no clothing items which are not approved or electronic devices, etc. before their arrival on campus. The Year 12 students have been engaged in the IGCSE examinations and will be completing the last examination in less than three weeks’ time. Once again, a vote of thanks to the staff who stayed back to ensure that these pioneers are well cared for, academically and physically. Here is a summary of the programme for the next half-term. Date Event 10th October – 14th November 2018 IGCSE examinations 19th – 28th October 2018 Half-term break for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 12th – 15th November 2018 British Schools Overseas (BSO) Inspection 17th November 2018 Academic Review Year 9, 11 & 12 Students only 24th November 2018 Open Day for prospective parents and students 30th November 2018 Year 12’s to vacate early for end of term 02nd December 2018 JHC Xmas Concert 07th December 2018 End of term and all students return on 6 th January 2019 In conclusion, here are some wise counsel for a positive day and life: ‘Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.’ Enjoy the weekend until we meet again. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal 1 PRINCIPAL’s NEWSLETTER 26th October 2018 Dear Parents and Friends, Time certainly flies when you enjoy yourself. No doubt, the students currently on half-term break will be wanting an extra few days holiday. However, the reality is that we have an extremely busy second half-term ahead and all of us, including students, will have to do their part. Thus, we are looking forward welcoming them this coming Sunday, bright-eyed and eager to continue to do their best. A reminder to all parents to check that your children have all the correct uniform items and correct gear, in other words, no clothing items which are not approved or electronic devices, etc. before their arrival on campus. The Year 12 students have been engaged in the IGCSE examinations and will be completing the last examination in less than three weeks’ time. Once again, a vote of thanks to the staff who stayed back to ensure that these pioneers are well cared for, academically and physically. Here is a summary of the programme for the next half-term. Date Event 10th October – 14th November 2018 IGCSE examinations 19th – 28th October 2018 Half-term break for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 12th – 15th November 2018 British Schools Overseas (BSO) Inspection 17th November 2018 Academic Review Year 9, 11 & 12 Students only 24th November 2018 Open Day for prospective parents and students 30th November 2018 Year 12’s to vacate early for end of term 02nd December 2018 JHC Xmas Concert 07th December 2018 End of term and all students return on 6 th January 2019 In conclusion, here are some wise counsel for a positive day and life: ‘Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.’ Enjoy the weekend until we meet again. Yours faithfully Abraham P. Swart Principal