Dear Parents and Friends,

I trust that all is well, and students are engaged with online learning.

This is the final newsletter for the 2020/21 academic year and what a year it has been. We slowly crept from under the Covid pandemic blanket, to face an altered reality. This new reality forces us to explore every opportunity to maximise benefits from a newly created time-poor environment. Thus, the qualities of resilience, agility and creativity is of enormous benefit.

On behalf of the staff and Board of JHC, I want to thank our parents and friends for the unwavering support and faith – without you, we would not be where we are, but our journey is not yet complete!

Student reports and invoices will be sent out shortly and to note, we are still waiting on the release of the official WAEC examination timetable.

In conclusion, “I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door.”; and to share a truth and make you smile, “We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.”

Enjoy the time with your family and loved ones – stay safe until we meet again.

Yours truly
Abraham. P. Swart



Please note that with the fluid covid situation changes might be made at short notice.

Please find attached the Reading Project and recommended list of books.

Parents are encouraged to READ and KEEP this attachment for current and future use.

TBCYear 12 Graduation to be Confirmed
TBCAnnual Prize Giving & End of Academic Year
29th August, 2021New Year 12’s return to college
12th September 2021Orientation for new year 7’s
13th September 2021School resumption for ALL other students

For more information or clarification on any matter, please feel free to contact me at, 0708 396 4440 or

Kindly download the newsletter here


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To make payment, fill in the unique JHC ID of the student (of whom payment is to be made on his/her behalf).
