Dear Parents and Friends,
College started well with a rush of activities – school photographs on Monday, followed by World Book day on Thursday, Humanitarian day on Friday (thank you for the contributions) and on Saturday, the annual JHC Interhouse athletics.
‘Gracias’, ‘merci’, ‘danke’ and thank you to the parents who attended the interhouse athletics, it always becomes more special when we have parents attending. A big shout-out to Green House who won, and Red House did look very smart in their red track suits. Well done to all the students
who participated and who gave their every drop of sweat and ounce of energy to gain points for their houses.
On the topic of the coronavirus or COVID-19, the health risk which is gripping the world, data released last week by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention discloses the coronavirus fatality rate for those infected in late December and early January was between 14%
and 16% – far higher than the 2% first disclosed. But mortality rates then plunged to 6% for January 11-20; 2% for January 21-31 and just 0.8% in early February. Outside of the Wuhan epicenter, the rest of China’s COVID-19 mortality rate is a modest 0.4%. The reason is now clear: forewarned is forearmed. On returning from a fact finding visit to China last week, World
Health Organisation assistant director general Bruce Aylward explained at a press conference that at first medical staff in Wuhan had no idea what they were dealing with. But they – and the rest of the world – are now fully aware of the symptoms and supportive care required to keep those on the critical list alive.
It’s also important we keep perspective. Since the virus hit last December, around 4,000 people have died of COVID-19, mostly in Wuhan’s home province of Hubei. On the worst day in China, just over 100 deaths were recorded. For context, worldwide almost 50,000 people die daily of heart
disease, 26,000 of cancer – and almost 3,000 of malaria.
In conclusion, ‘The learner always begins by finding fault, but the scholar sees the positive merit in everything.’ ; and, ’Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.’ – and I usually say, ‘you are not fully dressed until you put on your smile!’
Enjoy the rest of the week until we meet again.
Yours truly,
Abraham. P. Swart