Dear Parents and Friends,

As we are running down to the final few days of this academic year which proved to be another year of all round strong performance, I wish to thank our College community (parents, students, staff, our Founders – Mr, and Mrs. Ovia and the JHC Board of Governors) for the support given. But never forgetting our Almighty Creator for blessing us abundantly because without His love none of our achievements would have been possible.

Mrs. Titi Ninalowo (Business Studies) and Mr. Charles Matthews (ICT studies) will be leaving us to pursue other interests. We extend our thanks for the services rendered and we wish them all the best for the future ā€“ and yes, they will be missed by both students and staff. We have already appointed their successors who will be joining us in August 2019.

As per usual I have included the Summer Holiday Reading Project for the upcoming vacation. Furthermore, book lists have been included as a guide to what Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 students can read.

Parents are reminded to ensure that the JHC blazer is properly dry-cleaned
alterations to girlsā€™ skirts should only be to the waist and not the length , as for the boys , only the length and waist of the trousers if required.

In conclusion, ā€˜ A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.ā€™

Here is wishing you a happy holiday break with your children and I look forward seeing you on Thursday, 11 July 2019 at the JHC Annual Prize-Giving which starts at 10.00 am sharp .

Yours truly

Abraham P. Swart


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