Dear Parents and Friends,
I trust that this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits, if not then I would remind you not to forget to SMILE, despite the situation we find ourselves in. Like laughter, smiling is part of the universal language which indicates positivity, acceptance, kindness and happiness; after all, ‘Because of our smiles, life becomes more beautiful’.
This term is already halfway and in a few days our students and staff will break for a respite. The respite or holidays is an opportunity for all students to reflect on the recently concluded assessments and refocus their energies to make the most of the next sessions. The College cannot stress the importance of parental support in its efforts to mould and shape the students and your children, in becoming well-rounded and knowledgeable future leaders.
As such, we need to always be cognisant about what we say and do around our children as anything negative can undermine our collective efforts and make our character-building endeavours nugatory. We have had instances over the last few months where some parents question College policies and processes and encourage their child not to comply with protocol and expectations. If in doubt about certain things, then you are encouraged to contact the College for clarification.
Furthermore, parents are encouraged to read the newsletters fully and regularly as they contain the most up-to-date information about JHC – these are sent out (via email) every two weeks and immediately posted on our website.
Parents are also reminded to update us about addresses and contact details when changes occur. It is not good to lament that you did not get any school communication when you have not updated your email address! On another note, I believe that we have the most beautiful campus in the world, manicured green spaces and world-class facilities, and maintaining it to this impeccable manner is a priority.
However, we have found that during the upliftment and dropping-off of students at the end and start of terms, the drivers, who parents are using (whether in a mini-van, bus or SUV or car) ignore the yellow garbage bins (carefully placed around the campus) and simply dump (litter) their rubbish (food packaging, drink bottles, sweet wrappers, etc.) where they park. This is unacceptable and we ask you for your cooperation in this matter.
In conclusion, ‘For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone’. Here is wishing you a great week until we meet again.
Yours truly
Abraham P. Swart