Dear Parents and Friends,

The August holidays will soon be concluding and then it is back to school, yes, another school year is upon us! I can’t tell you enough how excited my team and I are as we have spent the holidays and months before to ensure that we are on track to have another great year.

I trust that our students had a relaxing time and are energised to continue to do well upon resumption. Similarly, our staff have made the most of this well-deserved break and are ready for another productive academic year.

This school year is truly going to be something special. Why? Because I can promise you that James Hope College is going to be a place filled with joy, passion, and learning. At JHC we want each and every person that comes onto this campus to know they are valued and that they hold tremendous worth. We want to teach our students to “Be Courageous and Give it a Go”.We believe in fresh-starts and new beginnings. We believe in growth and potential. And we believe in bringing everyone together to accomplish success. To the students, I want you to know how much we truly care about you at JHC.

You are the reason we come to work every day. You matter to each and every one of us. When you come onto this campus, you are the most important thing in the world to us. We hope that every day you reside on campus, to know how special you are and just how much potential you hold. To the parents and friends, you are just as important. Without you, we will not reach our full potential as a school. We value you and your opinions. We look to you as a partner in your child’s education. We are excited to work with you and at JHC you are always welcome.

To everyone, this is a team effort. We know it will take an entire school community coming together, as such we invite you to fully participate in all events in the upcoming school year.

To my Year 12’s, your journey starts early and we are ready to welcome you on Sunday, 26th August; the new Year 7’s on Saturday, 8th September and the rest of the students on Sunday, 9th September 2018.

Please re-read the last newsletter posted on the 12 th of July 2018 to familiarise yourselves and your children before resumption with expectations regarding summer reading, uniform, and items not to be brought on campus, etc. The latter is important as it can become distractions which we can do without.

This academic year is filled with unlimited potential and we are ready to meet each and every challenge head on!

Yours faithfully

Abraham P. Swart



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